A PHP package that attempts to mimic some of the unique qualities of slimrb.
Right now, I only have access to a linux box. This should have no problem working on MacOS or any BSD variants. Windows support is unknown as I haven't tested on that platform.
We use a Recursive Descent Parser to process the view's language grammar and then generate a PHP file from this intermediate syntax. Parsing only occurs once unless the file has been modified.
Code that utilizes this library must set config values using the Config class
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
/** These two lines are required */
Use the \slenderize\Page object to serve a page to the user
$page = new \slenderize\Page('my_view'); /* Open and parse /path/to/view_dir/my_view */
$page->view(); /* Will echo out the html generated */
/* Or you if you like code golf: */
new \slenderize\Page('my_view')->view();
All exceptions that are thrown by the \slenderize namespace inherit from \Exception, so you can simply catch \Exception
try {
$page = new \slenderize\Page('my_view');
}catch(\Exception $e){
/** handle exception here */
Indentation is required to open and close tags.
div|This is a div
p|this is a paragraph
The above code will generate the following html:
<html><body><div>This is a div<p>this is a paragraph</p></div></body></html>
The generated html is devoid of tab formatting to minimize memory footprint.
Literal strings start with the pipe character.
div|This is a literal string
Embedding variables is very similar to most webdev frameworks
div|This is a div
The HTML that is generated by the above code snippet is dependant largely on what is in the variable $my_attributes.
Embedding static variables is just like in PHP
div|This is a div
Objects can be passed to the Page and, while inside the view, an instance method can be called on that object.
div|This is a div
NOTE: Currently, there is no way to pass anything to functions.
Static calls are just like in PHP
div|This is a div
NOTE: Currently, there is no way to pass anything to functions.
- Calling static methods
- Embedding static variables
- Embedding function calls into the view
- Variables that are objects and support for accessing properties
- Supporting array subscripting of variables
- simple if/else/elseif statements
- looping constructs