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The project conducted following the competition held by Grab.

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Car Recognition


This project aims at recognizing the car make and model based on a Stanford Cars Dataset with 16,185 images. This dataset includes information about car make, model, and year (Eg. 2012 Tesla Model S) with 196 different classes. However, in this project we target to identify the car make and model only; this results in 164 different classes in total.


The transfer learning technique is used to produce the model for this dataset because of fairly small data size. Further than that, we are able to achieve a good accuracy with less training time. And the VGGNet is used as the network for this technique as its comparitive performance over other networks (Ref HERE).

The VGG CNN was first introduced by Simonyan and Zisserman in their 2014 paper, Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large Scale Image Recognition The network achitechture is comprised of 13 convolution and 3 FC layers as below.


The main effort paying for transfer learning technique is to do fine-tuning the network to get better result (higher accuracy with lower loss). With number of experiments, the final model is selected at epoch 85 with the learning rate of 5e-5 for epoch 1->50 & 1e-5 from 51->85. This selection is to lower the chance of overfitting when accuracy reached ~85% rank1 accuracy.

The result obtained for the test set is 85.74% for rank1 and 96.54% for rank5.


Setup environment

This project uses python 3.6.8 & virtualenv to create virtual environment name (ai4c).

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv
$ virtualenv ai4c
$ source ai4c/bin/activate

If you are using other python version (>3.6), please be noted to update the IM2REC_PY_PATH.

IM2REC_PY_PATH = "ai4c/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mxnet/tools/"

Install required packages

Once (ai4c) environment is activated, installed required packages as listed in requirement.txt. It is important to setup version of packages to prevent unexpected incompatible errors.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Prepare dataset

The directory looks as below, however we need to download 3 more additional files to get the project fully operation for pre-process, train & test.


  • All images from car dataset are to put into dataset/train_model/car_ims
  • The pre-trained files (vgg16-0000.params & vgg16-symbol.json) will be put in ./vgg16 folder
  • The model used for testing is supposed to be located in ./checkpoints folder
├── checkpoints
├── dataset
│   ├── test_model
│   │   ├── grab_cars
│   │   │   ├── grab_car1_0_AM-General_Hummer.jpg
│   │   │   ├── grab_car2_2_Acura_TL.jpg
│   │   │   ├── grab_car3_3_TSX_Sedan.jpg
│   │   │   ├── grab_car4_35_Bugatti_Veyron-16.4.jpg
│   │   │   └── grab_car5_114_Jaguar_XK.jpg
│   │   └── misc_files
│   │       ├── grab_cars_test.idx
│   │       ├── grab_cars_test.lst
│   │       ├── grab_cars_test.rec
│   │       └── make_model_labels.csv
│   └── train_model
│       ├── car_ims
│       └── misc_files
│           ├── test.lst
│           ├── train.lst
│           └── val.lst
├── db_design
│   ├── db.sqlite
│   └── full_dataset.csv
├── logs
│   ├── preprocessing.log
│   ├── testing_85.log
│   └── training_50.log
├── media
├── requirements.txt
└── vgg16

How to start the test with images not in original dataset (car_ims.tgz)

  • Put all desired photos to be tested in ./dataset/test_model/grabcars
  • Prepare the grab_cars_test.lst file in ./dataset/test_model/misc_files as a input for mxnet library to produce .rec files for testing process. There are available sample of .lst files for reference. The structure of list file is as below (refer HERE):

    integer_image_index \t label_index \t path_to_image

For the label_index, please use the label column for reference from make_model_labels.csv in same directory.

  • It is necessary to specify the hardware of your system for the test evaluation in the config file. It is recommended to use GPU for faster processing time. For example, with 'MODEL_PROCESS_CONTEXT = [mx.gpu(0)]' which means that we are going to use one GPU. It is possible to run a list of multiple devices.

  • Once the setup is done, execute python -m grab_test. There will be 2 files 'grab_cars_test.rec' and 'grab_cars_test.idx' generated in same folder with lst file. Then the model is loaded (vggnet-0085.params) to identify and evaluate the rank1 & rank5 accuracy.

  • If you want to examine the output image, please run python -m grab_test -s 1. To iterate the image, simply prese ESC key, top 5 confident score will also be printed accordingly.

  • The classification confidence score can be obtained as specified in as below. The predictions hold confidence score of each class while targets hold the true labels.
  predictions = []
  targets = []
  for (preds, _, batch) in model.iter_predict(test_iter):
      preds = preds[0].asnumpy()
      labels = batch.label[0].asnumpy().astype("int")

  targets = targets[:len(predictions)]


The project conducted following the competition held by Grab.






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