T2TRG virtual summary meeting
Time: Thursday, July 16th, 14:00-16:00 UTC
Local time in various locations: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=T2TRG+Summary+Meeting&iso=20200716T14&p1=1440&ah=2
Join webex: https://ietf.webex.com/ietf/j.php?MTID=m6992a54147f28c50d4955a07475b5e2e
Meeting number (access code): 161 973 1128
Meeting password: contrained
1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Join using Microsoft Lync or Microsoft Skype for Business: Dial [email protected]
Slides: https://github.com/t2trg/2020-07-summary/tree/master/slides
Notes: https://codimd.ietf.org/notes-irtf-t2trg-2020-07-summary
Please contact the chairs for any changes required.
Time (UTC) | Who | Subject | Docs |
14:00 | Chairs | Intro, RG status, upcoming meetings and activities | draft-irtf-t2trg-rest-iot |
14:10 | Chairs | Reports from WISHI, WoT Helsinki | |
14:20 | Matthias Kovatsch | OPC UA NETCONF binding experiment notes | |
14:35 | Carsten Bormann | Intro: Industry Updates (focus for this meeting) | |
14:40 | Michael Richardson | IoTSF update | |
14:50 | Michael Koster | ZigBee/CHIP update | |
14:55 | Michael Koster | OneDM update | |
15:05 | Travis Shanahan | OMA DMSE/IPSO update | |
15:15 | Wouter van der Beek | OCF update | |
15:20 | Michael McCool | W3C update for new charter period | |
15:35 | Carsten Bormann | ASDF BOF | |
15:45 | Xavier Foy | IoT Edge Challenges and Functions | draft-hong-t2trg-iot-edge-computing |
15:55 | Chairs | Wrap-up | |
16:00 | Chairs | end of meeting |