This is an implementation of a LogStash output plugin that delivers log data to Solr.
Copy the logstash_deploy folder to your disk. This contains a working version of LogStash and you can run LogStash and the Solr Output Writer from this directory.
Copy provided ManagedIndexSchemaFactory configured logstash_logs directory to your Solr collection folder. If you rename the folder, also appropriately modify the
If you are on a older version of Solr (before 4.4), go to the Solr Admin Page and add a new core. In the name and instanceDir fields enter: logstash_logs. Accept the defaults for the remaining fields and click on the 'Add Core' button.
For a start-up example, we will use syslogs: Open lw_solr_syslog.conf in a text editor. In the 'input' section of the config file add the path to your log file[s] by changing path => [ "/var/log/system.log" ] If your Solr instance is not running on the default localhost:8983 then change the collection_host and collection_port values in the ouptut section of the config file.
For the Sylog example, execute the following curl command (making sure to change the port) curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/logstash_logs/schema/fields' -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data-binary ' [{"name":"syslog_program","type":"string","indexed":true,"stored":true}]' This will make sure you are faceting correctly on the program field.
Execute LogStash: java -jar logstash-1.3.3-flatjar.jar agent -f lw_solr_syslog.conf -p .
Log data should be displaying in your shell window and it should be getting stored in Solr.
Happy Logging!
The MANUAL.txt file located in the logstash_deploy folder contains more details about configuring and running LogStash and writing to Solr.
To build the lucidworks.jar yourself from within the src folder:
javac *.java
jar cvf lucidworks.jar *.class