Sprockets, HAML, SASS, PostgreSQL gem (pg), coffee-script and more
$ git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/bridgeutopia/simple-sinatra-mvc.git myapp
$ rm -r myapp/.git && rm myapp/README.md
bundle install
$ rackup
Ruby 1.9 includes minitest so it just makes test to use minitest instead of any other framework. It works and it is simple. Use:
$ rake test
For acceptance tests, some example is also provided. Use:
cucumber or rake features should work
$ mv config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
Update database.yml
By default, we use PostgreSQL.
You may have to update config.ru as needed.
The Rakefile may require some updates for sprockets. As you add more assets, you would need to precompile those for production.
$ rake -T
rake assets:compile # Pre-compile assets
rake db:create # create the database
rake db:create_migration # create an ActiveRecord migration in ./db/migrate
rake db:migrate # migrate your database
rake features # Run Cucumber features
rake test # Run tests
To create a database for a specific environment, do:
$ rake db:create RACK_ENV=production
The default environment is "development"
To create a migration file called "create_pages", do:
$ rake db:create_migration NAME=create_pages
To do migration:
$ rake db:migrate RACK_ENV=production
The default is development so this should just work:
$ rake db:migrate
Write more tasks for active record
Add more helpers