Json Version bump to 1.2.3 due to NR-254157 implementation.
PR-260 SpyMemcached Support : The security agent now also supports SpyMemcached Version 2.12.0 and above. NR-171576
PR-241 Vertx-Web Support : The security agent now also supports Vertx-Web Version 3.2.0 and above. NR-254180 , NR-254181 , NR-254182
PR-245 Vert.x-Core Support : The security agent now also supports Vert.x-Core Version 3.3.0 and above. NR-254146 , NR-254156
PR-254 API Endpoint detection support for Netty Reactor Server. NR-267158
PR-269 , PR-261 Functionality to report NPE, Uncaught exceptions And 5xx Errors. NR-273711 , NR-277763
PR-267 Implement Fallback mechanism for route detection of an incoming request NR-273607
PR-256 , PR-259 , PR-258 Feature to detect route of an incoming request for Jax-RS and Spring Framework. NR-265913 , NR-261653 , NR-273605
PR-126 , PR-127 , PR-128 , PR-129 Jedis Support : The security agent now also supports Jedis Version 1.4.0 and above. NR-174176
PR-287 Support for Proxy Settings for Connecting to the Security Engine, with known limitation of missing Authentication capabilities.
PR-255 Handle InvalidPathException thrown by Paths.get method NR-262452
PR-216 Extract Server Configuration to resolve IAST localhost connection with application for Glassfish Server. NR-223808
PR-214 Extract Server Configuration to resolve IAST localhost connection with application for Weblogic Server. NR-223809
PR-242 Fix for User Class detection in Play Framework NR-264101
PR-268 Fix for Play Framework Application Crash. NR-273623
PR-271 Remove hard dependency of Newrelic API. NR-278213
PR-272 Fix for missing File Vulnerability as Event was not generated by CSEC Java Agent. NR-278211
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