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Hello Montage

mikokim edited this page Apr 29, 2013 · 16 revisions
  1. Quick Start
  2. Exploring Components
  3. Hello Montage

At this point, if you've followed along, you have generated the default welcome application using minit and created a custom NameTag component. It's time to learn how to assemble components into a functional user interface, surfacing and synchronizing data between objects and user interface, and observing and reacting the user interface for events.

Reveal the Main Component

The default welcome application has a quick introduction to Montage that will help get us started. The content you see at localhost:8000, or wherever you may be serving this application from, starts inside the index.html file being served.

The index.html file uses a Montage loader component to specify that when ready it should load the Welcome component immediately.

Montage applications start with a Main component, which minit happens to have generated for you.

Start by declaring the Main component as a child of the Welcome component located at ui/welcome.reel/welcome.html.

Replace the following serialization snippet:

"main": {


with this new snippet:

"main": {
    "prototype": "ui/main.reel",
    "properties": {
        "element": {"#": "main"}

Refreshing the page should now show the main component as a child of your welcome component. That's composition! That's how we build Montage applications by assembling the patchwork of components that serve as our visual user interface.

Next, add the NameTag component you created earlier to the Main component's template at ui/main.reel/main.html.

  1. Add a placeholder element for the NameTag component:
<div data-montage-id="main" class="Main">Hello <span data-montage-id="nameTag"></span></div>
  1. Add serialization entry for the NameTag component that links the component to its placeholder:
"nameTag": {
    "prototype": "ui/name-tag.reel",
    "properties": {
        "element": {"#": "nameTag"}
  1. Pretty up the NameTag component in ui/name-tag.reel/name-tag.css:
.NameTag {
    color: green;
  1. Make the NameTag component a span and add some visible content to ui/name-tag.reel/name-tag.html:
<span data-montage-id="name-tag" class="NameTag">Name</span>
  1. Refresh the browser and enjoy the pretty green name tag.

You now have a pretty respectable component tree. But wait, there's more.

Declarative Bindings

You have yet to instruct your application exactly how to create your components and how to insert them. Without being aware of it, you've relied on a powerful technique known as declarative programming where you specified the intent of what you wanted, trusting Montage to interpret that intent and do the right thing.

Just as you've declaratively assembled your visual component tree you can also declaratively connect parts of it to an underlying model; for the purpose of this example, though, we'll let our components serve as the model.

  1. Add a name property to the NameTag component's implementation at ui/name-tag.reel/name-tag.js:
exports.NameTag = Montage.create(Component, /** @lends module:"ui/name-tag.reel".NameTag# */ {

    name: {
        value: "Alice"

  1. Add a Montage-provided DynamicText component to the NameTag component's template at ui/name-tag.reel/name-tag.html:


<span data-montage-id="name-tag" class="NameTag">
    <span data-montage-id="name"></span>


"name": {
    "prototype": "montage/ui/dynamic-text.reel",
    "properties": {
        "element": {"#": "name"}
    "bindings": {
        "value": {"<-": ""}

You have just specified that the value property of the DynamicText component you create will be the same as the owner's name property. Anytime the property changes, so will the value you see in the rendered view.

Refreshing the page should spell a nice, green Alice.

Bindings are among the pinnacle of declarative bliss. After declaring that binding between these two properties you don't need to do anything to make it happen or to keep it happening.

But wait, there's more.

Driving Changes Through Bindings

Suppose you want to provide some interface for changing that name; here's where you start architecting your application. Montage provides an InputText component but first you need to determine where to put it. As long as your application is small that's an easy decision to make; when your application expands, however, it's important to keep components, and all other objects, loosely coupled and highly cohesive to aid in determining where responsibilities live.

For the purposes of this example, you want NameTag to be a read-only component, so you'll make editing the job of the Main component.

  1. Insert an InputText component as a child of the Main component, ui/main.reel/main.html.


<div data-montage-id="main" class="Main">
    Hello <span data-montage-id="nameTag"></span>
    <input type="text" data-montage-id="nameInput">


"nameInput": {
    "prototype": "montage/ui/input-text.reel",
    "properties": {
        "element": {"#": "nameInput"}
    "bindings": {
        "value": {"<->": ""}

Now you've bound the value property of the input text, making it the same as the nameTag's name property. You've also made this a two-way binding as indicated by the double-headed arrow; changes on either side of this binding propagate to the other side.

In addition to deciding where components should live, you also have to decide which side to establish a binding on; but that's a topic for another tutorial.

  1. Refresh and give it a try. As you type, the name tag should update live.

Listening for Events

Components can emit events in the same sense that DOM elements emit events. A Montage Button component, for example, dispatches an action event with itself as the target. This event is synthesized from a sequence of mouse or touch events that the button component itself observes on its own element.

Let's add a Button and handle its action event.

  1. Add the Button component to the Main component's template at ui/main.reel/main.html:


<button data-montage-id="greetButton"></button>


"greetButton": {
    "prototype": "montage/ui/button.reel",
    "properties": {
        "element": {"#": "greetButton"}
    "bindings": {
        "label": {"<-": ""}
    "listeners": [
            "type": "action",
            "listener": {"@": "owner"}

For the sake of showing off bindings we use one here to bind the label of the greetButton to be the same as the property. But you already know that by now, of course.

The serialization unit of interest here is listeners. This block is an array of listener entries, each one specifying the event type being observed by name and the listener interested in handling the event. Of course, many different listeners can be registered here and they can also provide a useCapture property in their entry to specify that the event should be handled in the capture phase of distribution.

  1. Refreshing at this point will render a button with the expected label. Behold the joy of code-free declarative binding by changing the name in the nameInput and see it reflected in both the nameTag and the greetButton component instances.

  2. Now to make the button do something, add some code to the listener object you specified, the Main component, inside ui/main.reel/main.js:

exports.Main = Montage.create(Component, /** @lends module:"ui/main.reel".Main# */ {

    handleGreetButtonAction: {
        value: function (event) {
            alert("Hello " +;


While the standard JavaScript addEventListener either expects a function reference or an eventHandler object that implements a handleEvent method Montage helps direct an event to a more specific handler method on a listener if implemented.

In this case we've implemented handleGreetButtonAction, which describes the fact that this method will handle action events emitted from a target with an identifier of greetButton during the bubble phase of event distribution.

This is the most specific handler possible, less specific alternatives would have been:

  • handleAction
  • handleEvent

This reduces the need for inspecting each event in a generic handleEvent method to determine what the event was and how it should be handled.

The templateObjects property exposes all the objects that were defined in a component's template. It's a convenient way to access any object in the template by its serialization label.

Reaching into another component suggests that we should start to consider formalizing the model we're working with (a person? an identity?) and expose it somewhere so that all concerned components can access it easily. But that's a lesson for another day.

  1. Refresh the browser and click the greetButton. If everything worked as expected it should simply alert the name that's in the nameTag component.

Take Off the Training Wheels

Although it has served us well so far, it's time to ditch the default ui/main.reel module.

  1. Inside index.html remove the explicit loading of the Welcome component.
"owner": {
    "prototype": "montage/ui/loader.reel"
  1. Refresh the browser and note that the Welcome component is no longer present as a decorative frame around the Main component.

There still is more to learn of course as you've barely scratched the surface of what Montage can do. What you should take away from this quick start is how simple things are with a declarative framework that embraces components and bindings.