gostubpkg is a tool for generating stubs of Go packages.
In the context of gostubpkg, stubbing means replacing the package with a dummy implementation that provides the same API as the original package. This tool is intended to be used to slim down the size of Go binaries by replacing dependencies with stubs, specifically when dealing with WebAssembly binaries. Therefore, this tool is not intended to be used for mocking or testing, as there are other tools that are better suited for these purposes.
You can install gostubpkg using the following command:
go get -u github.com/kubewarden/gostubpkg
gostubpkg [flags] <patterns>...
-a, --allow-imports strings Specify this flag multiple times to add external imports
that will not be removed from the generated stubs.
Example: -a k8s.io/api/core/v1
-c, --config string config file (default "gostubpkg.yaml")
-f, --function-bodies stringToString Specify this flag multiple times to add a type mapping.
Example: -f "cmd.Execute"='println("hello world")' -f "yourpkg.(*YourType).YourMethod"='return nil' (default [])
-m, --generate-go-mod Generate the go.mod file in the root of the stub package
-h, --help help for gostubpkg
-i, --input-dir string Specify the directory in which to run the build system's query tool that provides information about the packages (default $PWD)
-o, --output-dir string Specify the output directory for the stubs (default $PWD)
-v, --verbose count Increase output verbosity. Example: --verbose=2 or -vv
gostubpkg -m -i /path/to/module -o /path/to/output ./...
This will generate stubs and a go.mod
file for all packages in the specified input directory.
All the functions in the stubs will panic when called, and all the external imports will be removed.
External types will be replaced with interface{}
in struct fields, type aliases, and function signatures.
Private functions, private struct fields, private struct methods, generated files, and test files will be ignored. Private types and interfaces will be kept in the stubs since they could be embedded in public types.
For instance, this code:
package yourpkg
import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
type YourType struct {
Pod corev1.Pod
type yourOtherType struct {
Writer io.Writer
type YourAlias corev1.Pod
func Foo(pod *corev1.Pod) {
func bar(pod *corev1.Pod) string {
Will be replaced with:
package yourpkg
import (
type YourType struct {
Pod interface{}
type yourOtherType struct {
Writer io.Writer
type YourAlias interface{}
func Foo(pod interface{}) {
gostubpkg -i /path/to/your/code -o /path/to/output ./yourpkg --allow-imports k8s.io/api/core/v1
This command generates stubs for packages in the specified input directory while allowing external imports from k8s.io/api/core/v1
For instance, this code snippet:
package yourpkg
import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
type YourType struct {
Pod *corev1.Pod
func (t *YourType) SetPod(pod *corev1.Pod) {
t.Pod = pod
Will be replaced with:
package yourpkg
import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
type YourType struct {
Pod corev1.Pod
func (t *YourType) SetPod(pod *corev1.Pod) {
Sometimes you may want to specify custom function bodies for the stubs.
gostubpkg -f "yourpkg.Foo"='println("hello stub")' -f "yourpkg.(*YourType).YourMethod"='return nil'
This code snippet:
package yourpkg
func Foo() {
fmt.Println("hello world")
type YourType struct {}
func (t *YourType) YourMethod() error {
return fmt.Errorf("error")
Will be replaced with:
package yourpkg
func Foo() {
println("hello stub")
type YourType struct {}
func (t *YourType) YourMethod() error {
return nil
gostubpkg supports a configuration file in YAML format.
The configuration file can be specified using the --config
Example gostubpkg.yaml
- k8s.io/api/core/v1
generate-go-mod: true
cmd.Execute: 'println("hello world")'
yourpkg.(*YourType).YourMethod: "return nil"