By Klaas Schoenmaker, Justin Smael and Marjolijn Stam
This program uses over 100.000 links crawled from the top-500 most-visited websites. After being trained with AdBlock Plus's EasyList, our model is able to predict whether a link is an ad-related link or not with 95% accuracy.
You can try the model by running the prediction script that uses a saved version of the model (data/trained_model.pkl
You pass the URL to block as a parameter to the script.
For example, run:
$ python ""
Takes the URLs in the CSV and maps all of them to a True/False value based on whether EasyList blocks it or not.
Trains and tests the model using the URLs and a TF-IDF weight. Model is saved in data/trained_model.pkl
Uses the saved model to predict a specified url.