Sistema para hacer más amena la tarea de registrar una bitácora de práctica en una de nuestras últimas etapas de nuestra carrera universitaria.
Install NodeJS
Install Ruby. (In Windows: (Check add PATH))
Install compass (SASS) (Use sudo in Unix/Linux):
gem install compass
Copy the project in a PHP compatible server
Open a command line terminal and locate in
cd [project-folder]/www/application
Download Composer (PHP) resources (
composer install
Open a command line terminal and locate in
cd [project-folder]/ng
Run npm install
npm install
Download Bower resources
bower install
For avoid the "HTTP access control (CORS)" problem, set in the
the property grunt config value ofconnect.proxies[].rewrite
, uncomment those lines and replace^/api': '/api
for your real host, port and path server of your running PHP compatible server. Eg:proxies: [ { context: '/api', host: 'localhost', port: 80, rewrite: { '^/api': '/bitacora-practica/www/index.php/api'// (Optional) Rewrite ^/api to the /api path (replace that for your real path) on your remote server path, in case that your server path is located in another path } } ]
Create database and launch creator SQL script:
Configure database connection in file:
Configure Google Sign-in files:
Change for you own Google client ID and Secret:
grunt serve