- You can now open PDFs from within the "open note" dialog -- try pressing Shift-Tab! (If you're a Zotero user, this is only possible if you use the BibLaTeX export -- unfortunately the CSL-JSON format doesn't include PDF information.)
- Overhauled backend -- file reloading issues on Windows and OS X should be resolved, and performance should be improved.
- Overhauled templating system -- you now have access to the full Handlebars expression language. You can use this template to generate a comma-separated list of Obsidian links for each of a paper's authors, for example:
{{#each entry.author}}[[{{this.family}}, {{this.given}}]]{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}}{{/each}}
You can find a little more information in the plugin settings dialog. Improved documentation should arrive shortly!