(OCI/ Docker Image Signature Managemet Tool/ CLI) is a CLI that helps to manage OCI/ Docker signatures.
We have our signatures in two places: on a Notary-Server and an S3 Bucket.
We use the S3 Bucket because of the Pull Signature Check functionality of CRI-O.
So it's a huge effort to manage all signatures distributed to two places.
For example, if we update one of our images, then the old image shouldn't be executed anymore in our K8s-Cluster.
So then we have to delete the signatures of the old image from the S3 Bucket and from the Notary-Server.
Also, the signatures of the images are saved with the content digest from Docker in this Format:
for example: hello-world@sha256=92c7f9c92844bbbb5d0a101b22f7c2a7949e40f8ea90c8b3bc396879d95e899a
This CLI does not have any sub-commands (coming soon), but it has a working terminal UI.
oima Manages OCI/ Docker Image Signatures in your 'sigstore'.
It is very difficult to manually keep track of all signatures.
Example: Say you have to remove the signature for the
Docker image 'docker.io/library/hello_world:vulnerable':
then you have to determine the digest of the image and
manually delete the directory / signature.
This tool automates this process and helps to keep
track of all signed images.
oima <command> [flags]
oima [command]
Available Commands:
conf Get configuration variables.
help Help for any command.
image Interact with images of the remote registry.
--config string Which config file to use (default is $HOME/.oima.yaml).
--debug Print debug messages (defaults to false).
-h, --help Display help for oima.
--version Display version of oima.
Use "oima [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To get started, download a release and create a configuration file in $HOME/.oima.yaml
A sample configuration is located in examples/
The configuration file is self-explanatory.
Now run the application without any arguments (oima
), you should now see a "UI".
Keyboard Strokes:
q, Ctrl+C Quit. Exit the application.
e, E Exit the image info UI (only works in the image info UI).
d, D Delete the signature of a tag (only works in the image info UI).
i, I Open the image info UI.
Enter, Space Expand/ collapse a tree node.
<Arrow Keys> Move up/ down in the tree or the image info UI.
All tags of an image are listed in the Image Info UI. Here you can check if a tag is signed (or has a signature) and delete signatures.