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drawing NGXS

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NGXS is a state management library for Angular. This plugin provides NGXS CLI/Schematics, Intellisense and auto-completions for Jetbrains IDE.

Please ensure you have ngxs cli installed either globally or at the project level.


Checkout the Feature documentation for more details.

  • Simply right click -> New -> NGXS CLI/Schematics to generate a boiler plate store.

  • Navigate to Action Implementation using Gutter Icons

  • LiveTemplate to autocompletion for creating @Actions, @Selectors and export class NewActions quickly

    • cmd + Insert/ctrl + Insert within Generator
    • Alt + Enter / options + Enter - QuickFixes and generate @Actions & @Selectors quickly
  • Advance Templates (Editor Autocompletion - Mac - cmd + space or Windows/Linux - ctrl + space)

    • methodName-action
      add(ctx: State<StateModel>) {
       // TODO - Implement action
    • methodName-parameter1:Type-action-payload
      // add-id:string-action-payload (ctrl + space)
      // Result 
      // *.state.ts
      add(ctx: State<StateModel>, payload: Add) {
       // TODO - Implement action
      // *.actions.ts
      export class Add {
       static readonly type = '[MyStore] Add';
       constructor(public id: string) {
    • methodName-ClassName-action
    • methodName-ClassName-parameter1:type,parameter2:type-action-payload
    • methodName-selector-meta
    • methodName-selector
  • Many more coming soon. Checkout Github - List all Enhancements


  • Using the IDE built-in plugin system:

    Settings/Preferences > Plugins > Marketplace > Search for "ngxs" > Install

  • Manually:

    Download the latest release and install it manually using Settings/Preferences > Plugins > ⚙️ > Install plugin from disk...

How can I contribute

  • By starring this Github project and rating the NGXS plugin.
  • By submitting bugs and features ->
  • By submitting pull requests for the above roadmap items.
  • By sponsoring its development to ensure that the project is actively maintained and improved.

If you find this plugin useful consider sponsoring its development to ensure that the project is actively maintained and improved. Buy me a Coffee
