ZenSend DotNet bindings for sending SMS messages and performing operator lookups. You can sign up for an account at https://zensend.io/
To install ZenSend API, run the following command in the Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package ZenSend
using ZenSend;
var client = new Client("api_key");
var result = client.SendSms(originator: "SPINTOWIN", body: "Welcome to spin to win", numbers: new string[]{"4477111222333", "4477222333444"});
// with all the options
result = client.SendSms(originator: "SPINTOWIN", body: "Welcome to spin to win", numbers: new string[]{"4477111222333", "4477222333444"}, originatorType: OriginatorType.Alphanumeric, timeToLiveInMinutes: 100, encoding: SmsEncoding.GSM);
Console.WriteLine(result.Numbers); // => 2
Console.WriteLine(result.SmsParts); // => 1
Console.WriteLine(result.Encoding); // => "gsm"
Console.WriteLine(result.TxGuid); // => "7CDEB38F-4370-18FD-D7CE-329F21B99209"
Console.WriteLine(result.CostInPence); // => 2.3
Console.WriteLine(result.NewBalanceInPence); // => 500.0
// handling errors
try {
client.SendSms(originator: "SPINTOWIN", body: "Welcome to spin to win", numbers: new string[]{"4477111222333", "4477222333444"});
} catch (System.Net.WebException e) {
Console.WriteLine(e); // see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.webexception(v=vs.110).aspx
} catch (ZenSendException e) {
Console.WriteLine(e.HttpStatus); // => http status code
Console.WriteLine(e.FailCode); // => zensend error code (might be null)
Console.WriteLine(e.Parameter); // => the parameter the failcode is related to (might be null)
using ZenSend;
var client = new Client("api_key");
var response = client.LookupOperator("441234567890");
Console.WriteLine(response.MNC) // => "34"
Console.WriteLine(response.MCC) // => "234"
Console.WriteLine(response.Operator) // => "eeora-uk"
Console.WriteLine(response.CostInPence) // => 2.0
Console.WriteLine(response.NewBalanceInPence) // => 190.006
using ZenSend;
var client = new Client("api_key");
var prices = client.GetPrices();
Console.WriteLine(prices) // => System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Decimal]
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(";", prices.Select(x => x.Key + "=" + x.Value))) // => GB=100.0 (price in pence)
## Check Balance
using ZenSend;
var client = new Client("api_key");
var balance = client.CheckBalance();
Console.WriteLine(balance) // => 500.0 (balance in pence)
Install DNX
brew tap aspnet/dnx
brew install dnvm
dnu restore
cd projects/ZenSend
dnu pack
csharp -r:bin/Debug/dnx451/ZenSend.dll -r:$HOME/.dnx/packages/Newtonsoft.Json/6.0.8/lib/net45/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
using ZenSend;
var client = new Client("h5IDtEL05ky6FWqc9MCA0g", "http://localhost:8084");
var result = client.SendSms(originator: "originator", body: "BODY", numbers: new string[]{"447796354848"});
=> 1
=> 1
=> gsm
=> d5486bc8-a88a-4e3b-9c56-2d14f68d5f29
cd projects/ZenSendTest
dnx test