Misc Changes:
- [v0.13] Bump Golang to v1.21.10 (#1491, @gandro)
- chore(deps): update actions/setup-go action to v5.0.1 (v0.13) (#1474, @renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v0.13) (patch) (#1461, @renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v0.13) (patch) (#1469, @renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update all github action dependencies (v0.13) (patch) (#1486, @renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update github/codeql-action action to v3.25.1 (v0.13) (#1462, @renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update golangci/golangci-lint-action action to v5 (v0.13) (#1471, @renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update golangci/golangci-lint-action action to v5.1.0 (v0.13) (#1475, @renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update golangci/golangci-lint-action action to v5.3.0 (v0.13) (#1487, @renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update golangci/golangci-lint-action action to v6 (v0.13) (#1488, @renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update helm/kind-action action to v1.10.0 (v0.13) (#1470, @renovate[bot])
- Prepare for v0.13.4 and fix years in CHANGELOG (#1458, @glrf)
- vendor: Bump Cilium to v1.15.4 (#1489, @gandro)