A small script that uses the cbmjs project to deduce(🕵🏼) the number of characters that appear in the book The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: A scandal in Bohemia.
You can use the default configuration with the server running on Render.com and the database running on Mongo Atlas and just use the default constructor of the cbm class:
import CallByMeaning from "@cbmjs/cbm-api";
const cbm = new CallByMeaning();
Note: this is what I'm doing here.
But, if you don't want to do that, you need to run the cbmjs Server locally and replace the default constructor with your host:
import CallByMeaning from "@cbmjs/cbm-api";
const cbm = new CallByMeaning("https://james.bond:007");
Other than that, the comparison between cbm-sherlock.js
and pure-sherlock.js
is pretty self-explanatory.