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Microsoft Engage Teams Clone

Mentee: Ayush Goyal <[email protected]>
Mentor #1: Akash Gupta <[email protected]>
Mentor #2: Lakesh Kumar <[email protected]>

MIT License

💡 Features

  • Start a new Meeting or Join an exiting one using it's roomname
  • Supports Multiple Number of Participants
  • User Authentication - Use your Google Account to sign in
  • Toggle your camera / mic
  • Shows every participant's mic/camera's state indicators
  • Themes - Switch between Light or Dark Mode
  • Virtual Background - Uses a TensorFlowJS PoseNet 1.0 model under the hood to switch backgrounds of the participant
  • Blur Background - Use Gaussian Blur Algorithm to blur out the background
  • Chat - with others after joining a room, during a meeting, or after exiting and returning back to the room.
  • Celebrate - Click on the Confetti icon in the control bar and share the joy with your team!
  • Screen Share
  • Toast Notifications - See rich color coded notifications for events
  • Network Health - Indicates the participant's Network Quality on a scale of 0 - 5, also logs the data for monitoring
  • Invitation - Invite your friends over sending them an invite over an email (Mailgun)
  • Rejoin meetings from the homescreen
  • Progressive Web Application (PWA) - Installable Cross-Platform native app experience
  • Analytics - Store request logs with detailed Network and device information

🛠 Tech Stack

  • React
  • NextJS
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • Tailwind CSS
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript

💻 CI / CD

  • Used Vercel for deploying the NextJS app and was the CD provider
  • Vercel took care of building the app, and also act as a CI with complete build logs.
  • Used Google Cloud Build to build the API and push the Docker Image to the Google Cloud Container Registry
  • The Docker image is then deployed on a GCP Cloud Instance and requests handled on
  • These workflows gave me high confidence in building the application and spot and fix any issues quickly

💼 Agile Methdology

Agile Board

  • Project was broken into multiple small tasks.
  • Tracked on the Github Project manager board.
  • Tasks were divider into 3 categories - Todo, In Progress, Done.
  • Any commit which completed a feature had a closed # tag associated with it, referencing the particular task, which was subsequently moved to the Done pile.

Also checkout the API Docs

📍 Run the client app locally

Clone the project

  git clone
  cd my-engage

Install dependencies


Run the dev server

  yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000

🌎 Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

TWILIO_AC_SID - Twilio Account SID
TWILIO_SECRET - Twilio Token signing secret

🗺 API Reference

Authentication (Managed by next-auth)

GET /api/auth/signin

Get the current session

GET /api/auth/session

Generate a new meeting

GET /api/room
Parameter Type Description
identity string Required. Unique Identity
room string Optional. Room Name

Checkout the API Docs for more

👀 Improvements

  • Allow people with the same email id to join themselves multiple times
  • Add Whiteboard Collaboration


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