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A Racetrack plugin allowing to deploy workloads to Docker Daemon


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Racetrack Plugin: Remote Docker Daemon Infrastructure

A Racetrack plugin allowing to deploy services to remote Docker Daemon


  1. Install racetrack client and generate ZIP plugin by running:

    make bundle

    Afterward, activate the plugin in Racetrack Dashboard Admin page by uploading the zipped plugin file:

    racetrack plugin install remote-docker-*.zip

    Alternatively, you can install the latest plugin by running:

    racetrack plugin install
  2. Download docker client and keep it in the working directory:

    mkdir -p ~/racetrack
    cd ~/racetrack
    curl --output docker.tgz
    tar -zxvf docker.tgz -C . --transform 's/^docker//' docker/docker
    rm docker.tgz

    This binary will be mounted to the remote Pub container.

  3. Install Racetrack's Pub gateway on a remote host, which will dispatch the traffic to the local jobs. Generate a strong password that will be used as a token to authorize only the requests coming from the master Racetrack:

    DOCKER_GID=$((getent group docker || echo 'docker:x:0') | cut -d: -f3)
    mkdir -p .docker
    chmod 777 .docker
    docker network create racetrack_default || true
    docker pull $IMAGE
    docker rm -f pub-remote || true
    docker run -d \
      --name=pub-remote \
      --user=100000:$DOCKER_GID \
      --env=AUTH_REQUIRED=true \
      --env=AUTH_DEBUG=true \
      --env=PUB_PORT=7105 \
      --env=REMOTE_GATEWAY_MODE=true \
      -p 7105:7105 \
      --volume "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" \
      --volume "`pwd`/docker:/opt/docker" \
      --volume "`pwd`/.docker:/.docker" \
      --restart=unless-stopped \
      --network="racetrack_default" \
      --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway \
  4. Go to Racetrack's Dashboard, Administration, Edit Config of the plugin. Prepare the following data:

    • Host IP or DNS hostname
    • Credentials to the Docker Registry, where Job images will be located.

    Save the YAML configuration of the plugin:

        remote_gateway_url: ''
        remote_gateway_token: '5tr0nG_PA55VoRD'
      docker_registry: ''
      username: 'DOCKER_USERNAME'
      password: 'READ_WRITE_TOKEN'