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This repository helps you with end to end setup of commonly required services for any project in a quick way (< 1 hr) and at the same time provides you with a standard way to add new services specific to your project.

Common services are as follows:

  1. Loki - database to store logs
  2. Prometheus - time series database to store different metrics
  3. Minio - s3 compatible object storage (e.g., it is used by loki to store old logs)
  4. Grafana - data visualisation platform (e.g., logs can be viewed here)
  5. Promtail - used to push local logs to loki
  6. Cadvisor - exposes container metrics
  7. Node Exporter - exposes node metrics
  8. Vault - used for secrets management
  9. Webhook Server - used to enable cd through an API
  10. Caddy - used to expose services to end users
  11. Uptime - used to monitor services


In general every project requires observability, ci/cd pipelines, environment management, etc and these things don't change from project to project. This repository helps standardise setup of these so that separate effort on each project can be minimised.



  1. A VM with Ubuntu 22.04 (sudo access will be required)
  2. A wildcard domain mapped to the above VM (if you want to expose service publicly) - e.g. *
  3. Allow public inbound traffic on port 80 and Port 443 on the above VM (if you want to expose service publicly)
  4. Allow public inbound traffic on port 9000 (if you want to expose deployment webhook publicly)
  5. Run sudo apt-get install build-essential to install essential packages
  6. Run sudo wget -O /usr/bin/yq && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/yq to install yq

Setting up services on VM

  1. Create a fork of this repository
  2. Clone the forked repository in the VM
  3. Create a copy of sample.env file (cp common/sample.env .env)
  4. Update the environment variables in the .env file as required
  5. Create a copy of example docker-compose file (cp docker-compose.yaml.example docker-compose.yaml)
  6. Create a copy of example Caddyfile (cp Caddyfile.example Caddyfile)
  7. Run make install-docker to install docker
  8. Exit out of VM and re-connect to the VM to reflect the latest user changes
  9. Run make setup-daemon to configure the docker daemon
  10. Run sudo make setup-webhook to start the webhook service (use kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:9000) to kill any existing service on 9000 port)
  11. Run make deploy to deploy all the services

Setting up Github Action for CD

  1. Go to Actions tab in the repo and enable actions
  2. Add {Environment}_WEBHOOK_PASSWORD and {Environment}_WEBHOOK_URL as repository secrets (the Environment here should be in uppercase letters and can be any name that you want to give to environment e.g., DEV)

Deploying services using Github Action

  1. Go the Actions tab and open Deploy Service Action from the left bar
  2. Click on Run workflow and provide environment (this should be same as you used while setting up Action) and the service name you want to deploy

Viewing Webhook Service (used for CD) Logs

  • Run sudo journalctl -u webhook.service to view logs

Developer Documentaion

  1. Onboarding a service

Useful Commands

  1. Deploy a newly added service or pull and redeploy a service

    make deploy [services=<service_name>]

  2. Stop a service

    make stop [services=<service_name>]

  3. Restart a service

    make restart [services=<service_name>]

  4. Delete a service

    make down [services=<service_name>]

    Note: Volumes are preserved

  5. Pull images make pull [services=<service_name>]

  6. Build images make build [services=<service_name>]

Useful Utilities

  1. Migrate Volume from localhost to localhost/remote

    make migrate-volume


Optional environment variable to tweak behaviour of Makefile:

  1. ENABLE_FORCE_RECREATE (set this to 1 to enable force recreations of containers every time a service is deployed)
  2. DISABLE_ANSI (set this to 1 to prevent ANSI output from Docker CLI)
  3. DISABLE_REMOVE_ORPHANS (orphan containers are removed by default when your run make deploy without <service_name>, set this to 1 to disable this behaviour)
  4. DISABLE_PULL (images are pulled/rebuilt by default (if you provide <service_name>, image for only that service is pulled/rebuilt) when you run make deploy [services=<service_name>], set this to 1 to disable this behaviour)
  5. <service_name> accepts either one or multiple values separated by space
  6. ENABLE_GIT_PULL (set this to 1 to automatically pull the latest code from the checked out branch before deploying services)