Muppet is a C++ graphics rendering library that provides an easy-to-use API for 3D graphics. The library uses OpenGL, GLFW, and GLEW to enable efficient rendering of graphics on a variety of platforms.
Muppet provides the following features:
- Simple and intuitive API for creating and rendering 2D and 3D graphics.
- Efficient rendering using OpenGL and other third-party libraries.
- Lightweight and easy to use, with a minimal learning curve.
To use Muppet in your project, simply clone the repository and include the necessary header files and libraries in your project. To build the library, you will need a C++ compiler and the necessary third-party libraries installed on your system.
Cross-platform compatibility is untested and it will likely require some work to be setup. Muppet is very much work in progress and should only be used as a quick try out. Documentation still has to be written, Bugs still have to be fixed and many features are in progress.
To use Muppet in your project, simply include the necessary header files and libraries and start using the API. Here's an example of how to create a simple 3D cube Using Muppet:
#include "muppet.h"
#include "GLFW/glfw3.h"
int main()
Muppet::Window::CreateWindow(1000, 1000, 3, 3, "Debug", 1);
Muppet::Graphics::m_camera->SetPosition(glm::vec3(-1, 1, 0));
Muppet::Graphics::m_camera->LookAt(glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
Muppet::Graphics::LoadObject("cube.obj", glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
while (Muppet::Window::IsOpen())
if (Muppet::Input::IsPressed(GLFW_KEY_W))
Muppet::Graphics::m_camera->processKeyboard(0, Muppet::Window::m_delta);
if (Muppet::Input::IsPressed(GLFW_KEY_A))
Muppet::Graphics::m_camera->processKeyboard(2, Muppet::Window::m_delta);
if (Muppet::Input::IsPressed(GLFW_KEY_S))
Muppet::Graphics::m_camera->processKeyboard(1, Muppet::Window::m_delta);
if (Muppet::Input::IsPressed(GLFW_KEY_D))
Muppet::Graphics::m_camera->processKeyboard(3, Muppet::Window::m_delta);
return 0;
If you would like to contribute to Muppet, you can submit bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests on the GitHub repository. Before submitting a pull request, please ensure that your code follows the project's coding standards and that all tests pass successfully.
Muppet is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.
Muppet was created by [Your Name Here]. Thanks to the following open-source projects for their contributions to Muppet: