Programming: Juan Carlos García Medina @QApolo (me)
Graphical design: Luis Antonio Castro Cortés
(As it was a scholar project we had to call it differently so we named it StarConquer to avoid possible legal issues)
First there's a menu with four different options:
- Inicio (start)
- Continuar (Continue)
- Puntajes (Score)
- Salir (exit)
So for the continue option I created some text files with boolean flags, last position of character and enemies so it could be possible to do a checkpoint.
For the score option I implemented 'Bubble-sort', according to my professor I couldn't use functions like sort so I could implement my own sorting algorithm, I chosed this one, because I knew that I would'n save a lot of scores so even when it is O(n^2) it wouldn't be reflected.
void ordenar_numeros(int *arreglo, int lon)
int Temp;
for(int i=0;i<lon;i++)
for(int j=0;j<lon-1;j++)
{// cambia "<" a ">" para cambiar la manera de ordenar
int i=0;
FILE *pf=fopen("scores.txt","w");
By putting the mouse pointer upon the exit button it left the game, but after pressing it shows a different image that makes a more beautiful menu.
Now the interesting part of the game:
By clicking over this button, it left the menu so you can play. You can move by pressing the arrow buttons, up, left, down and right. and to shoot just press the space button.
The first time that you get to kill an enemy, you will be able to see your score in the top left corner in blue.