- Frontend - HTML/CSS
- Backend - Flask
- Database - Direct CSV import from pandas library
- APIs - Reddit API, PRAW Model
Data Acquisition - I collected the data from the subreddit r/India, using the reddit API and praw model. I collected almost 200 post from each flair incline (AskIndia,Non-Political,[R]eddiquette, Scheduled, Photography, Science/Technology, Politics, Business/Finance, Policy/Economy, Sports, Food, AMA). I collected approximately 2200 subreddit posts collectively and represented them using graphs, wordcloud etc. ( attached below).
Flair Detection - Since I'm not so fluent in Machine Learning part, but I'm able to make the model using different algorithms including Naive Bayes, SVM, logistic regression, random forest, MLP classifier. I got the best accuracy from random forest and using this as the testing and training. Then I've split the data into 70% training and 30% testing and getting the Random forest accuracy 78% using the combination of URL, comments and title of the subreddit post. (refrences attached )
Web Application : Using Flask library as backend and HTML/CSS as frontend, all the screenshots are attached below. Unfortunately I am not able to push the CSS file to heroku library due to memory shortage ( working on this ) but the application working is totally fine.
Reported the result using graphs and visualizations.
Starting Screen
Predicted Flair
About Subreddit
Title Length
Comment Length
Number of Upvotes/Downvotes
Distribution of Score
Correlation Heatmap
- beautifulsoup
- Flask
- scikit
- sklearn
- nltk
- etc.( listed in requirements.txt)
- https://praw.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- https://www.reddit.com/dev/api/
- https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/wordcloud-python
- https://seaborn.pydata.org