Tool to automatically decode unknown SmartMeter data formats via "cypher known plaintext 'attack'" / intelligent brute forcing. A QT/GUI driven inspector for working with SmartMeter data. Blazingly fast! Compact C++ routines ready for embedded use!
- GUI, decrypting, decoding works on all major platforms: GNU/linux, Windows, Mac OSX
- Decrypting/decoding routines work and tested on STM32, ESP32, multiple versions each
This readme has to be updated. The tool allows for
- decode blocks of SmartMeter data
- can read data via serial port
- works and tested under windows, gnu/linux, mac OSX
- automatically finds position of fields "SYSTEM TITLE", "FRAME COUNTER", begin of encrypted data
- visually displays / highlights the DLMS / COSEM entries in hex data buffers
- allows to test / find implementations of DLMS / COSEM decoding routines bypassing all layers
- decoding done using compact / portable C++
- hence: allows for blazingly fast and embedded decoders, using small portable code
- Very personal project, GUI needs a bit more serious error handling, written in "write and use mode" mostly
- Please take as is for now, maybe not going to be updated a lot though
- (I know how to segfault it in multiple ways, it was just a personal work tool)
- definately a short usage guide will be provided, including screenshots
- Please see 'LICENSE.txt' on how to use the routines in your own projects.