This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. It is expected that the backend server is running on the port 8080 (http://localhost:8080). It is possible to configure the proxy in package.json file.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
Builds the app for production to the build
- used 3rd party libraries/packages (React + Redux was in the task assignment :))
- for handle side effects
- i have no experience with another middleware, so saga was a clear choice
- i did not use selectors before (i worked with Redux just for a 2 months), but i know that people in Moro like them, so i try it and it is perfect!
- as a http client
- for compiling .scss files.
- due to limited time, I did not care much about the styling and .scss files structure. But app should be responsive and I hope it does not look ugly :) I am not sure what is the best way for styling react-apps, so I am curious what approach prefer developers in Moro :) I'm currently experimenting with styled-components in a larger projects.
- see tests section below
- prettier as a code formatter (i have install it globally), eslint as a linter
- I was considering to use normalizr to normalize store shape. But I think it is not necessary in such a small app. In case of deeply nested data API response or really large amount of todo items (no iterating over arrays in reducers → better performance), i would use it.
- I know that Moro use ImmutableJS, but I like classic JS Object and Array data types and their methods :) I was trying to ensure immutability using spread operators etc., but I admit that this approach can be challenging in large applications
- I prefer modular file structure in larger apps, but in this case is function-first structure ok (in my opinion...)
- Honestly, I do not have much previous experience with unit/integration testing and none experience with testing Redux applications (I did just some API Testing using Mocha + Chai). It is a shame and I would like to do something with it in near future.
- I tried to use enzyme+chai and write a few example tests. Unfortunately, I have no time for more of them right now. (However, I am quite comfortable with writing e2e in
- would not be better to use PUT/PATCH for "editing" requests?