- Stage: firmly in pre-release development
- Visibility: public.
- Sponsorship vs Monetization: TBD
- Goal 1: soft-launch on miniatures subreddits + ReviewLab
- Goal 2: hard-launch on {Show HN, Uneed.best, MicroLaunch, Product Hunt, etc}
- Goal 3: become the open-source 'Hero Forge' alternative
- 80% client-side / 20% server-side
- (base64 = based)
- Temporarily unusable
- Correctly renders
- Paint-by-segment is broken
- Publish full brand color database to public dir
- Fix interactivity of segment selection
- warn users before they close the tab that they need to download their save file or risk losing all progress
- subtle tooltip(s) about max file limit in the empty state
- keyboard shortcut listener for switching between segment/paint modes
- responsiveness across tablet/laptop/desktop
- Look into concurrency / multi-threaded operations on initial model load / purge
- Maximize but monitor client-side / edge compute & performance
- commit WIP project setup readme?
- review React Fiber vs current ThreeJS implementation
- research options for
- project license
- legal disclaimers / trademark acknowledgements re: paint brand(s) and color names