Rearrange is a collection of utilities for making it easier to work with NSRange
, IndexSet
, and String.Index
If you need to work with NSTextRange
or just TextKit in general, check out Glyph.
Swift Package Manager:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "")
This is a struct that encapsulates a single change to an NSRange
. It's useful for serializing, queuing, or otherwise storing changes and applying them.
You can also use this class to tranform locations, NSRange
, or even an IndexSet
. This is handy for updating values as text is changed. This might seem easy, but there are a large number of edge cases that RangeMutation
handles, including mutations that invalidate (for example completely delete) a range.
// convenience
static let zero: NSRange
static let notFound: NSRange
var max: Int
// shifting
func shifted(by delta: Int) -> NSRange?
func shifted(endBy delta: Int) -> NSRange?
func shifted(startBy delta: Int) -> NSRange?
// mutating
func clamped(to limit: Int) -> NSRange
func apply(_ change: RangeMutation) -> NSRange?
// working with Swift String
func range(in string: String) -> Range<String.Index>?
init(integersIn range: NSRange)
init(ranges: [NSRange])
mutating func insert(range: NSRange)
mutating func insert(ranges: [NSRange])
mutating func remove(integersIn range: NSRange)
var nsRangeView: [NSRange]
func contains(integersIn range: NSRange) -> Bool
func intersects(integersIn range: NSRange) -> Bool
var limitSpanningRange: NSRange?
subscript(range: Range<Int>) -> Substring?
subscript(range: NSRange) -> Substring?
I would love to hear from you! Issues or pull requests work great. Both a Matrix space and Discord are available for live help, but I have a strong bias towards answering in the form of documentation. You can also find me on mastodon.
I prefer collaboration, and would love to find ways to work together if you have a similar project.
I prefer indentation with tabs for improved accessibility. But, I'd rather you use the system you want and make a PR than hesitate because of whitespace.
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