diff --git a/packages/runtime-core/__tests__/rendererComponent.spec.ts b/packages/runtime-core/__tests__/rendererComponent.spec.ts
index fefc4137034..fa3c192e885 100644
--- a/packages/runtime-core/__tests__/rendererComponent.spec.ts
+++ b/packages/runtime-core/__tests__/rendererComponent.spec.ts
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ describe('renderer: component', () => {
- it('should create an Component with props', () => {
+ it('should create a component with props', () => {
const Comp = {
render: () => {
return h('div')
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ describe('renderer: component', () => {
- it('should create an Component with direct text children', () => {
+ it('should create a component with direct text children', () => {
const Comp = {
render: () => {
return h('div', 'test')
diff --git a/packages/runtime-vapor/__tests__/component.spec.ts b/packages/runtime-vapor/__tests__/component.spec.ts
index a84125b5232..a4af5be7ab1 100644
--- a/packages/runtime-vapor/__tests__/component.spec.ts
+++ b/packages/runtime-vapor/__tests__/component.spec.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,267 @@
-import { ref, watchEffect } from '@vue/runtime-dom'
-import { renderEffect, setText, template } from '../src'
+import {
+ type Ref,
+ inject,
+ nextTick,
+ onUpdated,
+ provide,
+ ref,
+ watch,
+ watchEffect,
+} from '@vue/runtime-dom'
+import {
+ createComponent,
+ createIf,
+ createTextNode,
+ renderEffect,
+ setText,
+ template,
+} from '../src'
import { makeRender } from './_utils'
import type { VaporComponentInstance } from '../src/component'
const define = makeRender()
-// TODO port tests from rendererComponent.spec.ts
describe('component', () => {
- test('unmountComponent', async () => {
+ it('should update parent(hoc) component host el when child component self update', async () => {
+ const value = ref(true)
+ let childNode1: Node | null = null
+ let childNode2: Node | null = null
+ const { component: Child } = define({
+ setup() {
+ return createIf(
+ () => value.value,
+ () => (childNode1 = template('')()),
+ () => (childNode2 = template('')()),
+ )
+ },
+ })
+ const { host } = define({
+ setup() {
+ return createComponent(Child)
+ },
+ }).render()
+ expect(host.innerHTML).toBe('')
+ expect(host.children[0]).toBe(childNode1)
+ value.value = false
+ await nextTick()
+ expect(host.innerHTML).toBe('')
+ expect(host.children[0]).toBe(childNode2)
+ })
+ it('should create a component with props', () => {
+ const { component: Comp } = define({
+ setup() {
+ return template('', true)()
+ },
+ })
+ const { host } = define({
+ setup() {
+ return createComponent(Comp, { id: () => 'foo', class: () => 'bar' })
+ },
+ }).render()
+ expect(host.innerHTML).toBe('
+ })
+ it('should not update Component if only changed props are declared emit listeners', async () => {
+ const updatedSyp = vi.fn()
+ const { component: Comp } = define({
+ emits: ['foo'],
+ setup() {
+ onUpdated(updatedSyp)
+ return template('
', true)()
+ },
+ })
+ const toggle = ref(true)
+ const fn1 = () => {}
+ const fn2 = () => {}
+ define({
+ setup() {
+ const _on_foo = () => (toggle.value ? fn1() : fn2())
+ return createComponent(Comp, { onFoo: () => _on_foo })
+ },
+ }).render()
+ expect(updatedSyp).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0)
+ toggle.value = false
+ await nextTick()
+ expect(updatedSyp).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0)
+ })
+ it('component child synchronously updating parent state should trigger parent re-render', async () => {
+ const { component: Child } = define({
+ setup() {
+ const n = inject
+ n.value++
+ const n0 = template('')()
+ renderEffect(() => setText(n0, n.value))
+ return n0
+ },
+ })
+ const { host } = define({
+ setup() {
+ const n = ref(0)
+ provide('foo', n)
+ const n0 = template('')()
+ renderEffect(() => setText(n0, n.value))
+ return [n0, createComponent(Child)]
+ },
+ }).render()
+ expect(host.innerHTML).toBe(']0
+ await nextTick()
+ expect(host.innerHTML).toBe('1
+ })
+ it('component child updating parent state in pre-flush should trigger parent re-render', async () => {
+ const { component: Child } = define({
+ props: ['value'],
+ setup(props: any, { emit }) {
+ watch(
+ () => props.value,
+ val => emit('update', val),
+ )
+ const n0 = template('')()
+ renderEffect(() => setText(n0, props.value))
+ return n0
+ },
+ })
+ const outer = ref(0)
+ const { host } = define({
+ setup() {
+ const inner = ref(0)
+ const n0 = template('')()
+ renderEffect(() => setText(n0, inner.value))
+ const n1 = createComponent(Child, {
+ value: () => outer.value,
+ onUpdate: () => (val: number) => (inner.value = val),
+ })
+ return [n0, n1]
+ },
+ }).render()
+ expect(host.innerHTML).toBe('0
+ outer.value++
+ await nextTick()
+ expect(host.innerHTML).toBe('1
+ })
+ it('child only updates once when triggered in multiple ways', async () => {
+ const a = ref(0)
+ const calls: string[] = []
+ const { component: Child } = define({
+ props: ['count'],
+ setup(props: any) {
+ onUpdated(() => calls.push('update child'))
+ return createTextNode(() => [`${props.count} - ${a.value}`])
+ },
+ })
+ const { host } = define({
+ setup() {
+ return createComponent(Child, { count: () => a.value })
+ },
+ }).render()
+ expect(host.innerHTML).toBe('0 - 0')
+ expect(calls).toEqual([])
+ // This will trigger child rendering directly, as well as via a prop change
+ a.value++
+ await nextTick()
+ expect(host.innerHTML).toBe('1 - 1')
+ expect(calls).toEqual(['update child'])
+ })
+ it(`an earlier update doesn't lead to excessive subsequent updates`, async () => {
+ const globalCount = ref(0)
+ const parentCount = ref(0)
+ const calls: string[] = []
+ const { component: Child } = define({
+ props: ['count'],
+ setup(props: any) {
+ watch(
+ () => props.count,
+ () => {
+ calls.push('child watcher')
+ globalCount.value = props.count
+ },
+ )
+ onUpdated(() => calls.push('update child'))
+ return []
+ },
+ })
+ const { component: Parent } = define({
+ props: ['count'],
+ setup(props: any) {
+ onUpdated(() => calls.push('update parent'))
+ const n1 = createTextNode(() => [
+ `${globalCount.value} - ${props.count}`,
+ ])
+ const n2 = createComponent(Child, { count: () => parentCount.value })
+ return [n1, n2]
+ },
+ })
+ const { host } = define({
+ setup() {
+ onUpdated(() => calls.push('update root'))
+ return createComponent(Parent, { count: () => globalCount.value })
+ },
+ }).render()
+ expect(host.innerHTML).toBe(`0 - 0`)
+ expect(calls).toEqual([])
+ parentCount.value++
+ await nextTick()
+ expect(host.innerHTML).toBe(`1 - 1`)
+ expect(calls).toEqual(['child watcher', 'update parent'])
+ })
+ it('child component props update should not lead to double update', async () => {
+ const text = ref(0)
+ const spy = vi.fn()
+ const { component: Comp } = define({
+ props: ['text'],
+ setup(props: any) {
+ const n1 = template('')()
+ renderEffect(() => {
+ spy()
+ setText(n1, props.text)
+ })
+ return n1
+ },
+ })
+ const { host } = define({
+ setup() {
+ return createComponent(Comp, { text: () => text.value })
+ },
+ }).render()
+ expect(host.innerHTML).toBe('0
+ expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)
+ text.value++
+ await nextTick()
+ expect(host.innerHTML).toBe('1
+ expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)
+ })
+ it('unmount component', async () => {
const { host, app, instance } = define(() => {
const count = ref(0)
const t0 = template('')
@@ -28,4 +281,26 @@ describe('component', () => {
+ it('warn if functional vapor component not return a block', () => {
+ define(() => {
+ return () => {}
+ }).render()
+ expect(
+ 'Functional vapor component must return a block directly',
+ ).toHaveBeenWarned()
+ })
+ it('warn if setup return a function and no render function', () => {
+ define({
+ setup() {
+ return () => []
+ },
+ }).render()
+ expect(
+ 'Vapor component setup() returned non-block value, and has no render function',
+ ).toHaveBeenWarned()
+ })