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Dar Rehan Rasool Darrehan
I'm a Full Stack Web Developer with a knack for weaving digital magic using the dynamic trio of React, Node.js, and Express. Crafting Full Stack Webapps.

@novocabs Srinager, Jammu and Kashmir india.

Usman Yousaf theusmanyousaf
Act Assess Adjust.


Marcelo Leiva marceloleiva

Greenbot Labs Chile

jeznon jeznon
I'm developer holds degrees in Systems Engineering, Psychology, and Business. I enjoy sharing my knowledge of technology and am passionate about neovim
Yash Ved Yash-Ved-au52
MERN Stack Developer skilled in MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. Passionate about building scalable web apps and learning new technologies.

Kota rajasthan

Yousef Mahmoud usefmahmud
CS & Math Student, Data Enthusiast


T Mohamed Yaser Yaser-123
Hi! I'm a engineering student with a passion for learning and creating. I'm excited to explore different areas of engineering and how they can be applied
Prajwal Prajwal0225
Full-Stack Developer


Jawher Kl JawherKl
Hi there 👋 I'm a passionate software engineer with 2+ years of experience in Angular, Node.js, Spring Boot, Symfony. and Go

KPG Tunisia

Ananya Hegde Ananya-Hegde2001
Hi, I'm a Web Developer skilled in Python, Java, AWS. I’m passionate about creating innovative solutions.

[email protected] Bengaluru

Hxinn hxinn
Prince Peter Yalley pkyalley
Software Engineer with expertise in Python and a focus on UX/UI design. Passionate about creating efficient applications that deliver intuitive user experiences

United States

RK Oluwasanmi Rafkev
Raphael is a Technical Product Manager
Sachin Singh sachinggsingh
GSSoC' 24 #163 | Hacktober' 24 4/4 | 😃😃Tech Enthusiast😃😃

Gujarat, India

Anvesh Yadav Anvesh2909
Passionate and driven fresh programmer seeking opportunities to learn and grow in the dynamic world of coding and software development.


Arun Kumar Itsarun01
Explore, Experience, Evolve
S13 samad13
Curious for knowledge.


wheval wheval
new account, lost access to former account.


Urvashi Agrawal urvashi-agrawal-dev
🚀 Passionate tech explorer with a knack for learning. Code, design, and a dash of creativity. Let's innovate together! 💻✨
Hamad Zia hamadzia74
Frontend Developer || JavaScript || ReactJS || NextJS || MongoDB

Xeven Solutions (Pvt) Ltd. Pakistan

Yash Sharma iamyashsharma43
Fuel Your Passion for Adventure

Pune, India

Siddhant Saikia Lp700ss

Bangalore, 560076, INDIA

Andrii Hrymailo GalaxyDevAndrii
Senior Full-stack Engineer Mobile(Android/Flutter/React Native) and Web(PHP/Node/React/Angular/Vue)

ThinkSmart Ukraine

Shubham Mourya shubham21881
I am Mern stack developer


Arik (Fumez) Melku Fumez-DEV
Web Developer & AI Enthusiast

Fumez - Web Designs Israel

Kuntal Rathod KuntalRathod
CSE '25 student ,Passionate about new technology and learning new things


ANNAPOORNA V Annapoornaaradhya
I'm a dedicated Computer Science Enthusiast with a profound fascination in this field .I'm always open to learning new things.✨

JSSATEB Bangalore

AdityaSingh AdityaSingh-Chandel
Learner || Learning DSA || Python || Machine Learning || DBMS ||

Greater Noida

Denys Zhurba seniordev1012
To know, is to know what you know nothing.


Build Trust louistalent
I am a software developer who wants clients and companies to succeed. I live for it as a developer.
