##liblog This is a simple log library.
Support linux(x86, arm), android, ios, and support write log to stderr, file or rsyslog.
##How To Use For console usage, no need to rebuild for setting log level, only to set bash env as follows:
$ export LIBLOG_LEVEL=verbose
[timestamp][prog_name pid tid][level][tag][file:line: func] message
$ export LIBLOG_LEVEL=info
all log which level <= info will be output
enable timestamp
##How To Build
x86/arm build $
make clean
(ormake ARCH=pi
sudo make install
android build $
cd ../android_jni_libs/jni
ndk-build glog
The name of android version is called
because -llog is already used in original android :-( -
for x86 and arm liblog.a liblog.so liblog.h will be installed in /usr/local/ by default
and for android the liblog will be installed in ../android_jni_libs/obj/local/armeabi/
##Code Parser
$ sparse *.c
$ valgrind --leak-check=full ./test_liblog
$ valgrind --tool=helgrind ./test_liblog