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+# Read the Docs configuration file for MkDocs projects
+# See https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config-file/v2.html for details
+# Required
+version: 2
+# Set the version of Python and other tools you might need
+ os: ubuntu-22.04
+ tools:
+ python: "3.7"
+ configuration: mkdocs.yml
+# Optionally declare the Python requirements required to build your docs
+ install:
+ - requirements: Docs/requirements.txt
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-# Read the Docs configuration file
-# See https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config-file/v2.html for details
-version: 2
- configuration: mkdocs.yml
-formats: all
- version: 3.7
- install:
- - requirements: Docs/requirements.txt
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+## CARLA 0.9.15
+ * Added Digital Twins feature version 0.1. Now you can create your own map based on OpenStreetMaps
+ * Added compatibility with SymReady Assets, using NVIDIA Omniverse
+ * Added new maps: Town13 (is a large map) and Town15
+ * The spectator will be used to load tiles and actor in Large Maps when no other actors with the rolename 'ego_vehicle' or 'hero' are present. Added the `spectator_as_ego` to the `carla.WorldSettings()` to allow users to disable this behavior.
+ * Add keyword arguments for `carla.TrafficManager` Python API functions
+ * Added build support for VS2022 and Ninja for LibCarla and osm2odr on Windows
+ * Added empty actor
+ * Restored gamma value to 2.2 instead of 2.4
+ * CarlaExporter tool now exports the box collider and convex collider of the object if it has one, otherwise the mesh
+ * Pedestrians with AI or in replayer are now faster around 10x. They have collisions disabled until they hit a vehicle.
+ * Added API function to avoid replaying the spectator
+ * `Client.set_replayer_ignore_spectator(bool)`
+ * `start_replaying.py` using flag `--move-spectator`
+ * Surface non-unity build mode by passing ARGS=--no-unity to make; allows IWYU-type errors to be unmasked and fixed.
+ * Added maps, vehicles, pedestrians and props catalogues to the documentation
+ * Collisions detected by the CollisionSensor no longer generate more than one event per frame.
+ * Added API function to load a map only if it is different from the current one.
+ * Fixed a bug in the TrafficManager causing vehicles that reached an ending lane to have abnormal behavior while lane changing.
+ * Fixed bug causing the TM's unstuck logic to incorrectly remove the vehicles in some situations.
+ * Fixed the extra data in Directx textures, so we need to copy row by row on Windows to remove extra bytes on images
+ * Fixed vertices of big meshes (more than 65k vertices) in CarlaExporter
+ * Fixed sensors to check for the stream to be ready (race condition)
+ * Fixed bug causing the `FPixelReader::SavePixelsToDisk(PixelData, FilePath)` function to crash due to pixel array not set correctly.
+ * Fixed segfaults in Python API due to incorrect GIL locking under Python 3.10.
+ * Fixed the import script, where could use any other TilesInfo.txt if the destination folder has many
## CARLA 0.9.14
* Fixed tutorial for adding a sensor to CARLA.
@@ -29,6 +57,7 @@
* Python agents now accept a carla.Map and GlobalRoutePlanner instances as inputs, avoiding the need to recompute them.
* Python agents now have a function to lane change.
* Python agents now detect vehicle in adjacent lanes if invaded due to the offset.
+ * Python agents now have the offset exposed.
* Fixed bug causing the python agents to sometimes not detect a blocking actor if there were severral actors around it.
* Improved Python agents performance for large maps.
* Fix a bug at `Map.get_topology()`, causing lanes with no successors to not be part of it.
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+!!! note
+ The __Digital Twin Tool__ is currently an __experimental feature__ and is not considered *production ready* at this stage. Some parts of maps may be undecorated or untextured. Hence it should only be used for experimental research projects.
+# Digital Twin Tool
+- [__Downloading and preparing OSM map data__](#downloading-and-preparing-osm-map-data)
+- [__OpenStreetMap browser__](#openstreetmap-browser)
+- [__Procedural environment generation__](#procedural-environment-generation)
+ - [Road decoration](#overview)
+ - [Buildings](#alsm)
+- [__Generate the map__](#generate-the-map)
+- [__Save the map__](#save-the-map)
+The __Digital Twin Tool__ enables procedural generation of unique 3D environments based on road networks derived from the [OpenStreetMap](https://www.openstreetmap.org) (OSM) service. Through the Digital Twin Tool interface in CARLA's Unreal Engine editor a user can select a region of map from OSM and download the road network as the basis for a new CARLA map. The tool then fills the spaces between the roads with procedurally generated 3D buildings that adjust to the layout of the road, creating a realistic 3D road environment with high variability.
+## Building the OSM renderer
+If you are using Linux, you have the option of using the OSM renderer in the CARLA interface to navigate a large OSM map region that you have downloaded. You first need to build the OSM renderer. Run `make osmrenderer` inside the CARLA root directory. You may need to upgrade your version of CMake to v3.2 or above in order for this to work. This will create two folders in your build directory called `libosmcout-source` and `libosmcout-build`. Windows users do not have the option of using the OSM renderer and must use directly a URL.
+## Downloading and preparing OSM map data
+In a web-browser, go to the [OpenStreetMap website](https:/www.openstreetmap.org) and choose an area of the map which you would like to use. Define your region and then export the data as an `.osm` file, or you can use a URL, as explained later. Alternatively, you could use other tools based on the OpenStreetMap service such as [GeoFabrik](https://download.geofabrik.de/), which allows specific map regions such as states or territories to be extracted from the OSM data.
+There are two ways to use the OSM data. Using a URL or downloading an OSM file:
+### Using a URL
+In the [OpenStreetMap website](https:/www.openstreetmap.org) website, navigate to an area of interest, then press `Export`, you may also want to use the `Manually select a different area` option. Then, right click on `Overpass API` and select `Copy link` from the context menu. You must ensure that the file will be no bigger than 1 Gb. Take this link and paste it into the URL field of the interface.
+### Downloading an OSM file and navigating in the interface
+This option is only available to Linux users. You may download a larger region of map, for example an entire state or territory, then use the OSM interface in CARLA to navigate the map using the arrow and zoom buttons. Download your desired region of OSM data as a `.osm` file, then place this file in the `{CARLA_ROOT}/Build/libosmcout-source/maps/` folder. Open a terminal inside this folder and run the following command:
+cd {CARLA_ROOT}/Build/libosmcout-source/maps/
+## OpenStreetMap browser
+To open the OSM browser, open the content browser and navigate to `CarlaToolsContent/OnroadMapGenerator`. Right click on *UW_OnRoadMainWidget* and select *Launch Editor Utility Widget* from the context menu. This will open the tool's interface.
+The interface enables browsing of a region of OSM map that has been downloaded from the OSM database and baked. First, you should enter the directory location where you stored the processed OSM data in the previous step in the *Select OSM Database* field in the interface. If you are using a URL directly, paste it into the `OSM URL` field, you will not be able to use the navigator in this case.
+Use the directional arrows and the zoom icons to navigate the map and find a part of the road network you want to turn into a CARLA map. The square region you see in the preview will be the extent of your map. Enter an appropriate name in the `File Name` field and then press *generate* to start the procedural generation process. The map generation process may take several minutes, or more if you are using a large region.
+## Procedural environment generation
+### Road decoration
+The tool extracts the road network from the OSM data as the basis of the map. The road surface is decorated with realistic surface irregularities, road markings and textures.
+### Buildings
+The empty spaces between the roads are populated with buildings or open areas that will adjust their shape and dimensions to fill the space between the roads.
+The procedural generation tool extracts the building footprints and height information from the OSM data to generate virtual buildings with similar dimensions. Detailed cladding is applied to simulate windows, doors and balconies. Different decoration styles are applied depending upon the dimensions of the building, with the tallest buildings having an office style, smaller buildings have a commercial or residential style applied according to the area of the building footprint.
+Vegetation is also added to the pavements in the next step step for additional detail.
+*Digital Twin Tool building styles*
+The buildings are in a variety of styles that are randomly distributed throughout the city, the architectural style of an area is chosen based on the characteristic dimensions of the buildings extracted from the OSM data.
+## Generate the map
+The generation step will take around 10 minutes for a 2x2 km2 region, larger regions will take longer. Once the generation process has finished, you can examine the map in 3D in the Unreal Engine editor.
+## Save the map
+If you are satisfied with the generated map then you can press *Save Map* button to save the map. __This step will take a significant amount of time__, it may take over an hour and could take several. You should prepare to leave your computer running for several hours while this step is completed. Once this step is completed, the map will be available through the Unreal Engine editor or through the CARLA API, the same as any other map.
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+!!! note
+ The __Procedural Building Tool__ is currently an __experimental feature__ and is not considered *production ready* at this stage. Hence it should only be used for experimental research projects.
+# Procedural Building Tool
+The __Procedural Building Tool__ facilitates the generation of virtual 3D buildings for which the dimensions and decoration styles can be modulated to create a near infinite array of variations through a simple interface. The footprint dimensions and height in stories can be chosen through the interface. Then users can select a variety of styles for the building lobby, the body and the top floor or penthouse. A variety of facia element styles can be chosen for features such as corners windows and balconies from the CARLA asset library.
+- [__Opening the tool__](#opening-the-procedural-building-tool)
+- [__Base parameters__](#base-parameters)
+- [__Mesh parameters__](#mesh-parameters)
+- [__Mesh elements__](#mesh-elements)
+ - [Sockets](#sockets)
+- [__Facade materials__](#facade-materials)
+- [__Cooking__](#cooking)
+## Opening the Procedural Building Tool
+Firstly, you need to add a procedural building actor to the scene. Navigate to `Content>Carla>Blueprints>LevelDesign` and drag the *BP_ProceduralBuilding* blueprint into your map. Move the asset to the position where you wish to visualize the building. Choose a place where you have space so you can see the result clearly. Then to open the tool, launch the Procedural Building tool by right clicking on the *WD_ProceduralBuilding* widget and selecting *Run editor utility widget* from the context menu. This will open the tool's interface.
+!!! note
+ You must complete this step before opening the tool, an instance of the *BP_ProceduralBuilding* blueprint must exist in the map before the tool can function. You must also ensure that the *BP_ProceduralBuilding* entity is selected in the *World outliner* before proceeding.
+## Base parameters
+In the base parameters section you select the fundamental properties of your building, such as the footprint and the height in floors.
+!!! note
+ Until you have selected mesh pieces in the [mesh parameters](#mesh-parameters) section, you will not see any changes in the Unreal Engine viewport when you adjust the base parameters
+The available parameters are as follows:
+- __Seed__: sets the random seed for the procedural generation, this enables variations on the building with the same settings.
+- __Num floors__: sets the number of stories or floors the building will have, and henceforth defines the height of the building.
+- __Length X/Y__: defines the size of the footprint of the building in the X and Y dimensions. These are unitless, the number denotes the number repeating sections, each section is a column of windows.
+- __Create automatically__: if this option is selected, the building will automatically update in the viewport so you can see the effect of your adjustments.
+- __Corners__: allows corner pieces to be added to the building, you can choose these pieces in the Mesh Parameters section.
+- __Walls__: replace the middle pieces of the left/right/front/back of the building with alternate pieces that can be selected using the [Mesh parameters](#mesh-parameters) menu.
+- __Doors__: array allowing the placement of a door in the lobby level. The door is placed at the chosen index position.
+## Mesh parameters
+In the Mesh Parameters tab in the interface, we choose the mesh pieces that will be used to clad the exterior of the building. There are 5 categories of mesh pieces for different parts of the building:
+- __Lobby__: mesh pieces to decorate the lobby of the building.
+- __Midsection__: mesh pieces to decorate the midsection of the building, every floor between the lobby and the top floor.
+- __Penthouse__: mesh pieces to decorate the penthouse level.
+- __Doors__: mesh pieces to add doors to the lobby
+- __Walls__: mesh pieces to decorate the walls of the building
+In each category you will find numerous options for mesh pieces. Click on one or more such that they turn red, these will be added to the respective section of your building. If you choose more than one, the tool will randomly alternate between the choices. As you select the mesh pieces for each section of your building, if you have *Create automatically* selected in the base parameters section, you will see the building taking shape in the editor viewport.
+## Mesh elements
+In this section you can select the more detailed elements of the building such as windows, columns, plant pots, air conditioning units and antennas. Each type of decoration has slightly different properties.
+There are numerous types of decoration for details of the building:
+- __Vertical/Horizontal window meshes__: these mesh pieces define the style of the window frames in the building. Vertical window meshes will occupy the window spaces that are taller than their width, while horizontal window meshes will occupy the window spaces that are wider than their height. If you select multiple options, they will alternate.
+- __Column meshes__: these simulate brickwork column details that span the height of the building
+- __Top/Bottom window details__: these meshes decorate the top of the windows with lintels and sunshades and the bottom of the windows with window sills and plant boxes.
+- __Window columns__: brickwork columns that separate windows
+- __Curtain meshes__: curtains and blinds to go inside the windows
+- __Pot meshes__: plant pots that are added to window sills and plant boxes at specified socket points
+- __Air conditioner meshes__: air conditioning units that are added to the windows at specified socket points
+- __Pipe meshes__: pipes that descend the building vertically mimicking drainage pipes for the roof
+- __Wire meshes__: wires that descend the building vertically mimicking TV aerial extensions and lightning grounding wires
+- __Antenna meshes__: TV antennas that protrude from the windows
+ The parameters work as follows:
+ __Common parameters__:
+* __Percentage__: controls the amount pieces that will be placed on the building, 100% means all available spaces will be occupied
+* __Offset__: spacial offset of the piece from the body of the building
+__Blinds and curtains__:
+* __Min/Max size__: selects the min/max length of the blinds or curtains with random variation between the values. 1.0 is fully shut, 0.0 is fully open.
+__Pipes and wires__:
+* __Index__: defines the face of the building where the pipe will be placed
+* __Offset side/front__: adds a spatial offset to the piece from the center of the face of the building
+!!! note
+ You may find in some cases that when you choose detail mesh pieces such as plant pots, antennas and air conditioning units, you don't see any change in the building. This is most likely because the pieces you are using don't have the appropriate sockets needed to add the pieces you chose. Refer to the [sockets section](#sockets) to learn how to use sockets
+### Sockets
+Sockets are anchor points which define where to place detail meshes on another mesh piece. To add sockets to the mesh pieces in the procedural building, with the procedural building selected, go to the *details panel*, normally on the right hand side of the UE editor interface. In there, you will find the *Meshes* and *Detail meshes* panels. Open the relevant section to open the mesh piece where you wish to place the socket.
+Find the mesh on which you want to place a socket and double click the icon to open it in the editor. Click *create socket* to add a socket and name it using the following convention:
+* Air conditioning unit: aa_*
+* Antennas: ant_*
+* Plant pots: pot_*
+Replace the asterisk with an index, depending upon how many sockets you have, i.e. aa_0, aa_2, aa_3...
+When you click *Create socket* the socket will be instantiated in the editor with a 3D handle. Drag the socket to the desired position on the mesh, this is where your detail piece will appear attached to the unit.
+## Facade materials
+In the facade materials tab, you can browse and preview the material that you want to decorate the walls of your building.
+## Cooking
+In the cooking tab, you initiate the combination of all the mesh pieces and materials you've selected into a single static mesh with associated materials and textures. An LOD texture of the building will also be created for the LOD. Specify a folder name in the interface where the assets for your new building will be saved.
+Once you have cooked your building, you will then be able to place instances of the building in the map just like any other CARLA assets.
diff --git a/Docs/build_linux.md b/Docs/build_linux.md
index 11bb6bde370..611f0cd2daa 100644
--- a/Docs/build_linux.md
+++ b/Docs/build_linux.md
@@ -40,9 +40,7 @@ CARLA requires many different kinds of software to run. Some are built during th
sudo apt-get update &&
sudo apt-get install wget software-properties-common &&
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test &&
-wget -O - https://apt.llvm.org/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key|sudo apt-key add - &&
-sudo apt-add-repository "deb http://apt.llvm.org/xenial/ llvm-toolchain-xenial-8 main" &&
-sudo apt-get update
+wget -O - https://apt.llvm.org/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key|sudo apt-key add
!!! Warning
@@ -53,6 +51,7 @@ To avoid compatibility issues between Unreal Engine and the CARLA dependencies,
__Ubuntu 20.04__.
sudo apt-add-repository "deb http://apt.llvm.org/focal/ llvm-toolchain-focal main"
+sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential clang-10 lld-10 g++-7 cmake ninja-build libvulkan1 python python-dev python3-dev python3-pip libpng-dev libtiff5-dev libjpeg-dev tzdata sed curl unzip autoconf libtool rsync libxml2-dev git
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/lib/llvm-10/bin/clang++ 180 &&
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/lib/llvm-10/bin/clang 180
@@ -61,13 +60,30 @@ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/lib/llvm-10/bin/cla
__Ubuntu 18.04__.
+sudo apt-add-repository "deb http://apt.llvm.org/bionic/ llvm-toolchain-bionic main"
+sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential clang-8 lld-8 g++-7 cmake ninja-build libvulkan1 python python-pip python-dev python3-dev python3-pip libpng-dev libtiff5-dev libjpeg-dev tzdata sed curl unzip autoconf libtool rsync libxml2-dev git
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/lib/llvm-8/bin/clang++ 180 &&
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/lib/llvm-8/bin/clang 180
+__Ubuntu 16.04__.
+sudo apt-add-repository "deb http://apt.llvm.org/xenial/ llvm-toolchain-xenial-8 main" &&
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get install build-essential clang-8 lld-8 g++-7 cmake ninja-build libvulkan1 python python-pip python-dev python3-dev python3-pip libpng16-dev libtiff5-dev libjpeg-dev tzdata sed curl unzip autoconf libtool rsync libxml2-dev git
+sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/lib/llvm-8/bin/clang++ 180 &&
+sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/lib/llvm-8/bin/clang 180
__Previous Ubuntu versions__.
+We strongly advise using Ubuntu 18.04 or later to build CARLA. However, you may attempt to build CARLA on older versions of Ubuntu with the following commands:
+sudo apt-add-repository "deb http://apt.llvm.org// llvm-toolchain--8 main" &&
+sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential clang-8 lld-8 g++-7 cmake ninja-build libvulkan1 python python-pip python-dev python3-dev python3-pip libpng16-dev libtiff5-dev libjpeg-dev tzdata sed curl unzip autoconf libtool rsync libxml2-dev git
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/lib/llvm-8/bin/clang++ 180 &&
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/lib/llvm-8/bin/clang 180
diff --git a/Docs/build_update.md b/Docs/build_update.md
index ff6f93c29fb..eb543293483 100644
--- a/Docs/build_update.md
+++ b/Docs/build_update.md
@@ -69,9 +69,25 @@ Releases are listed in __Development__ in the CARLA repository. There is also a
- Get the nightly build
+ Get the linux nightly build
+ Get the linux nightly build additional maps
+ Get the windows nightly build
+ Get the windows nightly build additional maps
diff --git a/Docs/build_windows.md b/Docs/build_windows.md
index 9db8a341203..627e1982cfb 100644
--- a/Docs/build_windows.md
+++ b/Docs/build_windows.md
@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ Get the 2019 version of Visual Studio from [here](https://developerinsider.co/do
!!! Important
Other Visual Studio versions may cause conflict. Even if these have been uninstalled, some registers may persist. To completely clean Visual Studio from the computer, go to `Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout` and run `.\InstallCleanup.exe -full`
+!!! Note
+ It is also possible to use Visual Studio 2022 using the above steps and substituting the Windows 8.1 SDK for the Windows 11/10 SDK. To override the default Visual Studio 2019 Generator in CMake, specify GENERATOR="Visual Studio 17 2022" when using the makefile commands (see [table](build_windows.md#other-make-commands)). You may specify any generator that works with the build commands as specific in the build scripts, for a full list run `cmake -G` (Ninja has been tested to work for building LibCarla so far).
##### Unreal Engine
Starting with version 0.9.12, CARLA uses a modified fork of Unreal Engine 4.26. This fork contains patches specific to CARLA.
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+# CARLA catalogue
+The CARLA simulator provides a vast library of 3D assets to populate your autonomous agent's virtual environment. The 3D asset library provides numerous pre-built maps to choose from, a diverse array of vehicle models for traffic simulation along with models of pedestrians and other structures or obstacles that can be dynamically added to your simulation during runtime. This catalogue documents all of the 3D assets available to use in your simulations.
+* [__Vehicles catalogue__](catalogue_vehicles.md)
+* [__Pedestrians catalogue__](catalogue_pedestrians.md)
+* [__Props catalogue__](catalogue_props.md)
+## Maps
+The CARLA simulator provides 10 pre-built maps to choose from, providing a diverse array of environments for training and testing your autonomous agents.
+| Town | Summary |
+| -----------| ------ |
+| [__Town01__](map_town01.md) | A small, simple town with a river and several bridges.|
+| [__Town02__](map_town02.md) | A small simple town with a mixture of residential and commercial buildings.|
+| [__Town03__](map_town03.md) | A larger, urban map with a roundabout and large junctions.|
+| [__Town04__](map_town04.md) | A small town embedded in the mountains with a special "figure of 8" *infinite* highway.|
+| [__Town05__](map_town05.md) | Squared-grid town with cross junctions and a bridge. It has multiple lanes per direction. Useful to perform lane changes. |
+| [__Town06__](map_town06.md) | Long many lane highways with many highway entrances and exits. It also has a [**Michigan left**](). |
+| [__Town07__](map_town07.md) | A rural environment with narrow roads, corn, barns and hardly any traffic lights. |
+| **Town08** | Secret "unseen" town used for the [Leaderboard](https://leaderboard.carla.org/) challenge |
+| **Town09** | Secret "unseen" town used for the [Leaderboard](https://leaderboard.carla.org/) challenge |
+| [__Town10__](map_town10.md) | A downtown urban environment with skyscrapers, residential buildings and an ocean promenade.|
+| [__Town11__](map_town11.md) | A Large Map that is undecorated. Serves as a proof of concept for the Large Maps feature. |
+| [__Town12__](map_town12.md) | A Large Map with numerous different regions, including high-rise, residential and rural environments.|
+| [__Town13__](map_town13.md) | A Large Map similar in scale to Town 12, but with distinct features.|
+| [__Town15__](map_town15.md) | A map based on the road layout of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. |
+## Vehicles
+CARLA provides a diverse array of vehicles, with high fidelity models of real world cars, trucks and bikes, for replicating traffic in your simulations. Browse and choose the vehicles you like in the [__vehicle catalogue__](catalogue_vehicles.md).
+## Pedestrians
+CARLA's asset library includes a variety of pedestrians to simulate foot traffic in the 3D environments surrounding your agent. Browse and choose the pedestrians you want in the [__pedestrian catalogue__](catalogue_pedestrians.md).
+## Props
+CARLA's props model the various structures and items you might find on or near roads, such as kiosks, statues, benches, boxes, bins, debris or trash. The props can be placed anywhere in your simulation dynamically during runtime. Browse and choose your props in the [__props catalogue__](catalogue_props.md).
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+# Pedestrian catalogue
+## Adults
+* __Adult pedestrian - 1__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#adult-pedestrian-1-variant-1)
+ * [__Variant 2__](#adult-pedestrian-1-variant-2)
+ * [__Variant 3__](#adult-pedestrian-1-variant-3)
+ * [__Variant 4__](#adult-pedestrian-1-variant-4)
+ * [__Variant 5__](#adult-pedestrian-1-variant-5)
+ * [__Variant 6__](#adult-pedestrian-1-variant-6)
+* __Adult pedestrian - 2__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#adult-pedestrian-2-variant-1)
+ * [__Variant 2__](#adult-pedestrian-2-variant-2)
+ * [__Variant 3__](#adult-pedestrian-2-variant-3)
+ * [__Variant 4__](#adult-pedestrian-2-variant-4)
+* __Adult pedestrian - 3__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#adult-pedestrian-3-variant-1)
+ * [__Variant 2__](#adult-pedestrian-3-variant-2)
+* __Adult pedestrian - 4__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#adult-pedestrian-4-variant-1)
+ * [__Variant 2__](#adult-pedestrian-4-variant-2)
+* __Adult pedestrian - 5__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#adult-pedestrian-5-variant-1)
+ * [__Variant 2__](#adult-pedestrian-5-variant-2)
+* __Adult pedestrian - 6__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#adult-pedestrian-6-variant-1)
+ * [__Variant 2__](#adult-pedestrian-6-variant-2)
+* __Adult pedestrian - 7__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#adult-pedestrian-7-variant-1)
+ * [__Variant 2__](#adult-pedestrian-7-variant-2)
+* __Adult pedestrian - 8__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#adult-pedestrian-8-variant-1)
+ * [__Variant 2__](#adult-pedestrian-8-variant-2)
+* __Adult pedestrian - 9__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#adult-pedestrian-9-variant-1)
+ * [__Variant 2__](#adult-pedestrian-9-variant-2)
+ * [__Variant 3__](#adult-pedestrian-9-variant-3)
+* __Adult pedestrian - 10__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#adult-pedestrian-10-variant-1)
+ * [__Variant 2__](#adult-pedestrian-10-variant-2)
+ * [__Variant 3__](#adult-pedestrian-10-variant-3)
+ * [__Variant 4__](#adult-pedestrian-10-variant-4)
+* __Adult pedestrian - 11__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#adult-pedestrian-11-variant-1)
+ * [__Variant 2__](#adult-pedestrian-11-variant-2)
+* __Adult pedestrian - 12__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#adult-pedestrian-12-variant-1)
+ * [__Variant 2__](#adult-pedestrian-12-variant-2)
+ * [__Variant 3__](#adult-pedestrian-12-variant-3)
+* __Adult pedestrian - 13__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#adult-pedestrian-13-variant-1)
+* __Adult pedestrian - 14__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#adult-pedestrian-14-variant-1)
+ * [__Variant 2__](#adult-pedestrian-14-variant-2)
+ * [__Variant 3__](#adult-pedestrian-14-variant-3)
+* __Adult pedestrian - 15__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#adult-pedestrian-15-variant-1)
+ * [__Variant 2__](#adult-pedestrian-15-variant-2)
+## Children
+* __Child pedestrian - 1__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#child-pedestrian-1-variant-1)
+ * [__Variant 2__](#child-pedestrian-1-variant-2)
+ * [__Variant 3__](#child-pedestrian-1-variant-3)
+* __Child pedestrian - 2__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#child-pedestrian-2-variant-1)
+ * [__Variant 2__](#child-pedestrian-2-variant-2)
+ * [__Variant 3__](#child-pedestrian-2-variant-3)
+* __Child pedestrian - 3__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#child-pedestrian-3-variant-1)
+* __Child pedestrian - 4__
+ * [__Variant 1__](#child-pedestrian-4-variant-1)
+## Police
+* [__Police - 1__](#police-1)
+* [__Police - 2__](#police-2)
+## Adults
+#### Adult pedestrian 1 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0001
+#### Adult pedestrian 1 - variant 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0005
+#### Adult pedestrian 1 - variant 3
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0006
+#### Adult pedestrian 1 - variant 4
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0007
+#### Adult pedestrian 1 - variant 5
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0008
+#### Adult pedestrian 2 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0004
+#### Adult pedestrian 2 - variant 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0003
+#### Adult pedestrian 2 - variant 3
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0002
+#### Adult pedestrian 3 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0015
+#### Adult pedestrian 3 - variant 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0019
+#### Adult pedestrian 4 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0016
+#### Adult pedestrian 4 - variant 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0017
+#### Adult pedestrian 5 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0026
+#### Adult pedestrian 5 - variant 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0018
+#### Adult pedestrian 6 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0021
+#### Adult pedestrian 6 - variant 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0020
+#### Adult pedestrian 7 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0023
+#### Adult pedestrian 7 - variant 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0022
+#### Adult pedestrian 8 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0024
+#### Adult pedestrian 8 - variant 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0025
+#### Adult pedestrian 9 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0027
+#### Adult pedestrian 9 - variant 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0029
+#### Adult pedestrian 9 - variant 3
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0028
+#### Adult pedestrian 10 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0041
+#### Adult pedestrian 10 - variant 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0040
+#### Adult pedestrian 10 - variant 3
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0033
+#### Adult pedestrian 10 - variant 4
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0031
+#### Adult pedestrian 11 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0034
+#### Adult pedestrian 11 - variant 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0038
+#### Adult pedestrian 12 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0035
+#### Adult pedestrian 12 - variant 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0036
+#### Adult pedestrian 12 - variant 3
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0037
+#### Adult pedestrian 13 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0039
+#### Adult pedestrian 14 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0042
+#### Adult pedestrian 14 - variant 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0043
+#### Adult pedestrian 14 - variant 3
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0044
+#### Adult pedestrian 15 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0047
+#### Adult pedestrian 15 - variant 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0046
+## Children
+#### Child pedestrian 1 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0011
+#### Child pedestrian 1 - variant 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0010
+#### Child pedestrian 1 - variant 3
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0009
+#### Child pedestrian 2 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0014
+#### Child pedestrian 2 - variant 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0013
+#### Child pedestrian 2 - variant 3
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0012
+#### Child pedestrian 3 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0048
+#### Child pedestrian 4 - variant 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0049
+## Police
+#### Police 1
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0030
+#### Police 2
+* __Blueprint ID__: walker.pedestrian.0032
diff --git a/Docs/catalogue_props.md b/Docs/catalogue_props.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a0cd620ad5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Docs/catalogue_props.md
@@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
+# Props catalogue
+## __Containers__
+* __Barrels__
+ * [__Barrel__](#barrel)
+* __Bins__
+ * [__Bin__](#bin)
+ * [__Cloth container__](#cloth-container)
+ * [__Garbage container__](#garbage-container)
+ * [__Glass container__](#glass-container)
+* __Boxes__
+ * [__Box 01__](#box-01)
+ * [__Box 02__](#box-02)
+ * [__Box 03__](#box-03)
+ * [__Creased box 01__](#creased-box-01)
+ * [__Creased box 02__](#creased-box-02)
+ * [__Creased box 03__](#creased-box-03)
+## __Garbage__
+* __Bags__
+ * [__Trash bag__](#trash-bag)
+* __Garbage__
+ * [__Cola can__](#cola-can)
+ * [__Garbage 01__](#garbage-01)
+ * [__Garbage 02__](#garbage-02)
+ * [__Garbage 03__](#garbage-03)
+ * [__Garbage 04__](#garbage-04)
+ * [__Garbage 05__](#garbage-05)
+ * [__Garbage 06__](#garbage-06)
+* __Platforms__
+ * [__Garbage platform 01__](#garbage-platform-01)
+* __Trash cans__
+ * [__Trash can 01__](#trash-can-01)
+ * [__Trash can 02__](#trash-can-02)
+ * [__Trash can 03__](#trash-can-03)
+ * [__Trash can 04__](#trash-can-04)
+ * [__Trash can 05__](#trash-can-05)
+## __Park / garden__
+* __Furniture__
+ * [__Bench 03__](#bench-03)
+ * [__Garden lamp__](#garden-lamp)
+ * [__Pergola__](#pergola)
+ * [__Plastic chair__](#plastic-chair)
+ * [__Plastic table__](#plastic-table)
+ * [__Slide__](#slide)
+ * [__Swing__](#swing)
+ * [__Swingcouch__](#swingcouch)
+ * [__Table__](#table)
+ * [__Trampoline__](#trampoline)
+* __Misc__
+ * [__Barbeque__](#barbeque)
+ * [__Clothesline__](#clothesline)
+ * [__Doghouse__](#doghouse)
+ * [__Gnome__](#gnome)
+ * [__Wateringcan__](#wateringcan)
+* __Other__
+ * [__Haybale__](#haybale)
+ * [__Haybale alternate__](#haybale-alternate)
+* __Plantpots__
+ * [__Plantpot 01__](#plantpot-01)
+ * [__Plantpot 02__](#plantpot-02)
+ * [__Plantpot 03__](#plantpot-03)
+ * [__Plantpot 04__](#plantpot-04)
+ * [__Plantpot 05__](#plantpot-05)
+ * [__Plantpot 06__](#plantpot-06)
+ * [__Plantpot 07__](#plantpot-07)
+ * [__Plantpot 08__](#plantpot-08)
+## __Personal__
+* __Bags__
+ * [__Plastic bag__](#plastic-bag)
+ * [__Shopping bag__](#shopping-bag)
+* __Carts__
+ * [__Shopping cart__](#shopping-cart)
+ * [__Shopping trolley__](#shopping-trolley)
+* __Cases__
+ * [__Briefcase__](#briefcase)
+ * [__Guitarcase__](#guitarcase)
+ * [__Travel case__](#travel-case)
+* __Clothing__
+ * [__Bike helmet__](#bike-helmet)
+ * [__Motor helmet__](#motor-helmet)
+* __Personal effects__
+ * [__Mobile__](#mobile)
+ * [__Purse__](#purse)
+## __Road__
+* __Barriers__
+ * [__Street barrier__](#street-barrier)
+* __Cones__
+ * [__Construction cone__](#construction-cone)
+ * [__Traffic cone 01__](#traffic-cone-01)
+ * [__Traffic cone 02__](#traffic-cone-02)
+* __Construction__
+ * [__Iron plank__](#iron-plank)
+ * [__Warning construction__](#warning-construction)
+* __Debris__
+ * [__Brokentile 01__](#brokentile-01)
+ * [__Brokentile 02__](#brokentile-02)
+ * [__Brokentile 03__](#brokentile-03)
+ * [__Brokentile 04__](#brokentile-04)
+ * [__Dirt / debris 01__](#dirt-/-debris-01)
+ * [__Dirt / debris 02__](#dirt-/-debris-02)
+ * [__Dirt / debris 03__](#dirt-/-debris-03)
+* __Signs__
+ * [__Traffic warning__](#traffic-warning)
+ * [__Warning accident__](#warning-accident)
+## __Sidewalk__
+* __Barriers__
+ * [__Chain barrier__](#chain-barrier)
+ * [__Chain barrier end__](#chain-barrier-end)
+* __Benches__
+ * [__Bench 01__](#bench-01)
+ * [__Bench 02__](#bench-02)
+* __Commercial__
+ * [__Foodcart__](#foodcart)
+ * [__Kiosk 01__](#kiosk-01)
+* __Monouments__
+ * [__Fountain__](#fountain)
+* __Monuments__
+ * [__Map table__](#map-table)
+* __Signs__
+ * [__Advertisement__](#advertisement)
+ * [__Street sign__](#street-sign)
+ * [__Street sign 01__](#street-sign-01)
+ * [__Street sign 04__](#street-sign-04)
+* __Transport__
+ * [__Bus stop__](#bus-stop)
+ * [__Bus stopl alternate__](#bus-stopl-alternate)
+* __Utilities__
+ * [__ATM__](#atm)
+ * [__Mailbox__](#mailbox)
+ * [__Street fountain__](#street-fountain)
+ * [__Vending machine__](#vending-machine)
+## __Utility__
+* __Calibration__
+ * [__Calibrator__](#calibrator)
+## __Containers__
+### Barrel
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.barrel
+### Bin
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.bin
+### Cloth container
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.clothcontainer
+### Garbage container
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.container
+### Glass container
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.glasscontainer
+### Box 01
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.box01
+### Box 02
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.box02
+### Box 03
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.box03
+### Creased box 01
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.creasedbox01
+### Creased box 02
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.creasedbox02
+### Creased box 03
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.creasedbox03
+## __Garbage__
+### Trash bag
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.trashbag
+### Cola can
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.colacan
+### Garbage 01
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.garbage01
+### Garbage 02
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.garbage02
+### Garbage 03
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.garbage03
+### Garbage 04
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.garbage04
+### Garbage 05
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.garbage05
+### Garbage 06
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.garbage06
+### Garbage platform 01
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.platformgarbage01
+### Trash can 01
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.trashcan01
+### Trash can 02
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.trashcan02
+### Trash can 03
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.trashcan03
+### Trash can 04
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.trashcan04
+### Trash can 05
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.trashcan05
+## __Park / garden__
+### Bench 03
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.bench03
+### Garden lamp
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.gardenlamp
+### Pergola
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.pergola
+### Plastic chair
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.plasticchair
+### Plastic table
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.plastictable
+### Slide
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.slide
+### Swing
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.swing
+### Swingcouch
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.swingcouch
+### Table
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.table
+### Trampoline
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.trampoline
+### Barbeque
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.barbeque
+### Clothesline
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.clothesline
+### Doghouse
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.doghouse
+### Gnome
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.gnome
+### Wateringcan
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.wateringcan
+### Haybale
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.haybale
+### Haybale alternate
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.haybalelb
+### Plantpot 01
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.plantpot01
+### Plantpot 02
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.plantpot02
+### Plantpot 03
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.plantpot03
+### Plantpot 04
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.plantpot04
+### Plantpot 05
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.plantpot05
+### Plantpot 06
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.plantpot06
+### Plantpot 07
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.plantpot07
+### Plantpot 08
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.plantpot08
+## __Personal__
+### Plastic bag
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.plasticbag
+### Shopping bag
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.shoppingbag
+### Shopping cart
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.shoppingcart
+### Shopping trolley
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.shoppingtrolley
+### Briefcase
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.briefcase
+### Guitarcase
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.guitarcase
+### Travel case
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.travelcase
+### Bike helmet
+![static_prop_bike helmet](../img/catalogue/props/static_prop_bike helmet.webp)
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.bike helmet
+### Motor helmet
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.motorhelmet
+### Mobile
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.mobile
+### Purse
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.purse
+## __Road__
+### Street barrier
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.streetbarrier
+### Construction cone
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.constructioncone
+### Traffic cone 01
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.trafficcone01
+### Traffic cone 02
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.trafficcone02
+### Iron plank
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.ironplank
+### Warning construction
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.warningconstruction
+### Brokentile 01
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.brokentile01
+### Brokentile 02
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.brokentile02
+### Brokentile 03
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.brokentile03
+### Brokentile 04
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.brokentile04
+### Dirt / debris 01
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.dirtdebris01
+### Dirt / debris 02
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.dirtdebris02
+### Dirt / debris 03
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.dirtdebris03
+### Traffic warning
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.trafficwarning
+### Warning accident
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.warningaccident
+## __Sidewalk__
+### Chain barrier
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.chainbarrier
+### Chain barrier end
+* __Blueprint ID__: static.prop.chainbarrierend
+### Bench 01
+* __Blueprint ID__: