Experimental HMR support for @ngrx/store based on angular2-hmr
First install the library:
npm install ngrx-store-hmr --save-dev
In order for your application to have HMR support, you need to wrap your bootstrap call in a function that receives an optional HMR state object:
import { provideStore } from '@ngrx/store';
import { hotModuleReplacement } from 'ngrx-store-hmr';
import { reducer } from './reducer';
// Wrap bootstrap in a function that accept an optional hmrState
function main(hmrState?: any) {
return bootstrapp(App, [
provideStore(reducer, hmrState)
if(module.hot) {
hotModuleReplacement(main, module);
else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => main);